Page 26 of Kissing My Crush
“Yeah,” I laugh, “Okay.”
He steps back and bends at the waist, with his hands on his hips and lets out an over-the-top sigh before standing once more and looking at me. “Woman, you have no idea how relieved I am that you're done with this shit.”
My mouth falls open in a gasp.
“What, you are exhausting.”
“You're an Ass,” I push against his chest when he moves in quickly. But I’m not fast enough and he squeezes me tightly to him. He chuckles and kisses me again before I can protest. “But I have no doubt you’ll be worth every single struggle.”
I have to hold back my urge to laugh at how careful Amara is in hiding what is taking place with us. She’s so worried about everyone else all the time, that I think she forgets that she deserves to be happy too.
She is so considerate of others that she fears her own happiness may enhance others sadness, so I don’t attempt to tell her otherwise. Instead I follow her to her place and let her drop her car, before she climbs into mine.
I drive across town to the place Liam, and I rent, pulling in close, so she can slip out discreetly. Rounding the front of my truck, I take her hand in mine and lead her toward the front door.
She looks around taking in the space. I find myself wondering why she’s never been here, considering Liam and I share the place. Moving her around in front of me, I guide her forward until we reach my front door. I pause and she looks back over her shoulder at me. I know if Liam wasn’t on shift tonight she wouldn’t even be here. But I want her here in my space, in my bed.
“Are you sure about this?”
“Do you want me not to be?”
“I’m starting to think that maybe I’ll miss the constant bickering and arguing you and I have been doing.”
“As if I’d ever make things easy for you, please,” she scoffs. “I have every intention of making your life hell, Tyler Collins. You asked for it when you told me I was exhausting.”
“Are exhausting,” I clarify, “not was.” I whisper as I gently kissing her temple.
I lean in to place my key in the lock and she takes my keys out of my hand and does it herself. Kissing along the side of her neck I follow her when she steps inside.
Our place is simple, two guys sharing a space, neither needing much but a comfy couch to sit on and an oversized television to watch our sports.
I lead her to my room where there is a wrought iron bed with two nightstands. I don’t need much space, or things, keeping things minimal has always been the way I’ve gone.
I don’t mind color; I just have never taken the time to add any to my place. Its four walls, a place I lay my head when I’m not at the station, it's nothing fancy.
“For some reason I think I always pictured you living in a place with posters on the wall and empty pizza boxes stacked in a corner.” Amara turns around and faces me, a smile tugging at her lips.
“You pictured me living in a frat house?”
“I just didn’t picture things to be so sterile.”
“You’re trying to say you thought I’d be a slob.” Shrugging, she starts to back away and I quickly close the space between us. Gripping her hips I pick her up and pull her body to mine. Immediately she wraps her legs around my waist, and I cup her ass holding her in place.
“For your information I’m a pretty organized guy.” I kiss her jaw and she arches her neck and places her arms around my neck. “I don’t need much,” I add, “I’m a simple kind of guy.”
“You are anything but simple,” her eyes are closed when I reach her lips and press mine to hers.
“You are confusing and complicated and–” she is forced to pause when I kiss her again. This time I take my time, making sure I wipe away the doubt that was most likely creeping up in her mind. I have a feeling I’ll be in a constant battle with Amara’s mind.
She is a skeptical and I don’t know where all the doubt comes from, but I imagine it stems from some significant event that took place in her life.
Much like her sister Lauren, they’re standoffish, not realizing that they deserve so much more.
Amara has been a part of my life for years, always at the same gatherings with friends, the same town events. For so long I’ve observed her hiding in the shadows of others, when she should be front and center. Her sister is right, she has a huge heart. She’s the first to comfort someone when they seem upset and the one that’s always trying to spin a situation and make it better.