Page 8 of Kissing My Crush
I could feel the tension melting away, and the idea that I could get through this weekend felt attainable.
* * *
“Where is Linc?” I whisper to Liam as soon as he and the guys arrive in the lobby before the rehearsal.
“Are you trying to get me worked up again?” Liam is full of tension, so much so that I swear I can feel it rolling off of him in waves.
“What would you say if I asked youwhyit pisses you off so much?”
“I’d say thatnowoman should be left waiting for her groom to fucking care.” I snicker and he looks over at me and narrows his eyes.
“Is that all?”
“What are you getting at?” I could pick this point to dig at my cousin. I could force Liam to admit what I already know but instead I let it slide.
“So how are we gonna have a rehearsal without the groom?”
“Looks like I’ll be standing in for my asshole brother, once again.” I’m about to ask him what he means when he steps forward and approaches a worried looking bride to be.
Liam shares a few words with Audrey and though she is doing her very best to hide her emotions I can see how worried, maybe even scared she really is. The groom is still working–allegedly, and here we all are running through a rehearsal that he should be here for.
I don’t know how Audrey is doing it, because if the roles were reversed and it was me in her shoes I think I’d lose my damn mind. That, or I’d be getting in a car driving back home to drag Linc out by his balls and tearing into him for hours on our trip back. Linc is my cousin but right now, I hate him for her.
Wendy the wedding coordinator runs through the steps, speaking so fast while we all do our best to keep up with her instructions. I know by the time she is finished; I feel like I’ve just gone through a wind storm, and I glance around the group to see if anyone else is as lost as me.
Tyler is watching me, and I press my lips together tightly when I see him smirking. The smug ass knows I’m confused. Stepping up to my side he leans in closer. “Don’t worry babe, I’ll lead.”
I narrow my eyes at him, but frankly keeping up this charade is getting harder the more time I spend with him. It’d be easier if I wasn’t so attracted to him, and his damn cologne would stop moving in and wrapping me in a blanket of Tyler.
“Okay, line up with your partner.” Wendy waves her hand out in the direction of the aisle, and I take in a deep breath and take a step forward. Suddenly Tyler is taking my hand in his own and guiding me. It takes me by surprise that I don’t even react until we are being watched by Spencer and Charlie and she glances down and focuses on the place Ty and I are joined. Quickly I pull back and begin twisting my hands together in front of me.
“Still fighting this I see,” Ty says louder than I expect.
“Fighting what?” I mumble.
Charlie and Spencer begin walking down the aisle and I look up to find Tyler watching me once again.
He holds my stare for so long that it starts to make me shift nervously before he finally responds.
“Nothing Amara, nothing at all.”
Long gone is the smirk he had several minutes ago, and if I’m being honest I miss his smugness.
When it’s our turn to walk down the aisle, Tyler doesn’t offer me his arm, or attempt to take my hand. Instead we walk side by side and he doesn’t offer a smile or any teasing words.
Once we are at the end of the aisle, we stand with the others and wait for the entire party to run through the directions Wendy continues to bark out.
“All right, everyone!” Wendy hollers, “Let’s do this again, and then I’ll cut you loose for dinner.”
Food is the last thing on my mind right now, my stomach is tied in knots.
I follow behind everyone else walking back to the beginning and lining ourselves up for the next run.
Spencer breaks through the tension when he chooses that moment to start poking at Charlie once again.
The heat being tossed around between the two of them is scorching, though Charlie won’t admit it, I have a feeling her armor is cracking. Not sure she’ll make it through the weekend without breaking.