Page 9 of Kissing My Crush
Tyler places his hand on my back and without jerking in surprise I manage to turn my body toward him and hold my composure. I just wish that I could get through one touch from him without my entire body humming with the desire for more.
“You ready to do this again?”
I nod and offer him a smile.
Holding his hand out I offer mine and we link our fingers together, running through the motions once again. But this time I somehow manage to do it without my stomach tightening to the point of sickness.
“Is she doing that to get a rise out of you?” Jasper asks as he sits down at my side. I glance away from Amara flirting with the group of guys near the bar, I thought I was off the hook when she went back to the bridal suite with Audrey and Charlie, but she snuck back down about an hour ago. Now she’s hanging around a group of guys that seem real intrigued by her, though I can't say I blame them.
“You gonna do something about it?” He asks as he lifts his drink to his lips and takes a swallow.
“Why would I do anything? She’s free to talk to whoever she wants to.” I say the words but on the inside I’m boiling with irritation.
Amara walks up to me, kisses me and says a bunch of shit, then walks away. She changes everything and then she fucking acts like nothing happened. She is the one that flipped the switch.Shechanged everything.
“Why don’t I believe you?” His smirk only adds to my mood. I don’t respond and look back toward Amara at the exact moment she throws her head back laughing at something one of the assholes says.
“Want my opinion?”
“No,” because I know whatever it is he has to say won’t be anything I want to hear.
“She wants you to go over and get her.”
“Oh yeah, so now you have a direct line to Amara’s thoughts?”
“No,” something shifts in his expression. “I just know that women have this crazy way of throwing signs that we’re supposed to pay attention to. They won’t come out and say it, but they want us to be jealous and attentive and at times a little overbearing.”
“What in the hell are you talking about?”
“Just don’t let time slip away before you finally make your feelings known.”
“What feelings,” and who the hell is this guy? He’s talking in code and I’m fucking confused.
“If you want her, go get her, before some other guy sweeps in and knocks you out of the running.”
With that Jasper stands and wanders off and I am left wondering what on earth just happened. Am I missing something?
Laughter echoes over the bar and I shift my attention back to Amara, just as a guy places his hand on her hip.
Before I have the chance to even think through my actions I’m out of my chair and walking in their direction. Amara shifts and wobbles, but before the asshole has the chance to grab her I move in, practically pushing him out of the way and hooking her waist.
She squeals and I twist her away from the guys, waiting for her to gain her footing.
“We need to talk,” I tell her, and her eyes widen. “I’m done being patient.”
“Oh, so you call the last twenty-four hours you being patient?”
She speaks out sassily, but the truth is, I only find it cute.
“Yeah,” I offer her a grin. “If I wasn’t being patient I would have had you admitting you feel something for me, before we even got into Liam’s car.”
“You’re cocky.” She narrows her eyes.
“You have no idea.” I drag the pad of my thumb over her jaw. “So can we take a walk, or do you want to have this out with an audience?”