Page 4 of Xactly What She Needs
“Why not? There wasn’t anyone who was qualified?" shequestions, seemingly shocking everyone, including herself.
“Let’s just say that after the first couple of interviews, we kind of gave up,” I explain vaguely.
“What he’s actually saying is that he had the same problem that we had when I was searching through candidates,” Cadie chuckles.
Briella tilts her head in confusion. “I don’t get it.”
Cadie’s lips purse as if she’s sucking on a lemon. “Before you were hired, most of the women who applied only sent a picture as their resume.”
“Like aheadshotfor modeling?” Bri questions and every man here suddenly looks uncomfortable. What are we supposed to say?
Luckily, the demon hobbit takes care of that for us. “More like nudesin the hopethat they would entice the guys to sleep with them after getting hired.” Cadie rolls her eyes at Bri. “Trust me, it was a long and gross process before you got here.”
“I offered to help you,” JT sniffs.
Edge looks at him with narrowed eyes as Blaze holds up his hand. “I got it,” he says before smacking JT upside his head.
JT raises his hand to the back of his head. “Why the hell do I keep getting attacked when I’m only trying to help?”
Cadie throws an arm out in JT’s direction while looking at Bri. “See? This is what I was dealing with.”
Briella nods her head slowly. “Umm, right.”
“Everyone is so unappreciative of me,” JT grumbles before looking at me. “Why don’t you just ask around the women’s shelter like Edge did?”
I feel vindicated looking around at everyone else giving him looks that says'dumbass'. “Probably because I don’t think they would be very happy seeing the Vice President of a motorcycle club showing up at their door,” I drawl.
He nods his head,“Yeah, you might have a point.”
“No shit, huh?” How Edge deals with his ass all day, I’ll never know.
“No need to be rude,” he huffs, with a put-out expression on his face. “Once again, all I’m trying to do is help and no one appreciates it.”
“The fact that you’ve made it to adulthood is amazing,” I state. I don’t know how Edge never killed him.
“That’s it. I’m heading to the clubhouse. I’m done with all of your ungrateful asses tonight,” he states as he stands. He walks over to Mikkey and gives her kisses on her cheeks. “I’ll see you later princess, since you’re the only one here I like," he huffsbefore walking out the door without another word.
Blaze stands while shaking his head with a rueful grin. “I might as well head out too. We just got a text saying Dee brought over food and if I don’t get there at the same time as him, his greedy ass will eat it all.” He lifts two fingers before practically power walking out the door.
“Those two are worse than Pavlov’s dogs,” Marrow chuckles. “The second they hear about food, they go running.”
“That’s so sad that they have to rely on someone else for food.” Briella’s soft voice chimes in making us all chuckle.
“Darlin’ don’t feel bad for them,” I tell her. “Both of them can cook. They’re just too damn lazy to do it.”
Edge nods his head. “I taught them years ago. But Xander is right. They’re lazy asses will go running if they find out someone else has already cooked.”
Her eyes go wide. “Oh.”
I watch as Edge takes a spot on the couch that those two boneheads just vacated. He cradles Mikkey in his lap, lookin’ like a proud papa. “So, back to one of my reasons for being here; got any leads on someone who would make a good office manager?” I ask, not really hoping for much truthfully.
Edge gets that contemplative look on his face that makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. “I actually just might, though it would put me in a bind for a bit.”
“I am not working for him,” Cadiegrumbles, makingus all chuckle.
“Sprite, everyone knows that,” Marrow says affectionately.
“Then who are you talking about?" sheasks with confusion written all over her face. Though to be honest, I’m right there with her.