Page 5 of Xactly What She Needs
Edge looks at me for a beat before looking over at the desk. “Briella would make the perfect office manager for you.”
Have you ever had one of those moments where you think that you’re hallucinating? Because I’m pretty sure that’s what’s happening right now.
“Wh-what?” I gasp in shock. I mean, how can I not?
I look over at Xander, resisting the urge to look away, his dark eyes are piercing and they do funny things to my stomach. Truthfully though, everything about him makes my stomach flip and not in the usual feelings of fear that I now have to men. Which is strange because he’s a big guy, well over six feet tall with tons of muscles everywhere…so many muscles. Add in the fact that almost every inch of him that I can see is covered in tattoos with a face covered in scruff that does nothing to make him look less intimidating, and yeah, I’m not sure why it’s not fear that I feel when I look at him. It should definitely be fear since I was practically destroyed by a man much smaller than him, but it isn’t. I also plan to never think about why that is. Every time he has come here, it’s been impossible not to notice him. There’s just something about the air of confidence that he gives off that pulls my eyes to him like a magnet.
Okay, it might also be the fact that he usually has on a T-shirt that looks as though it was painted right onto his body. Even wearing his vest thing, you can see every outline of his abs and unfortunately for me, he has really nice abs.
Xander looks just as confused and shocked as I do, making me feel marginally better, at least he didn’t plan this. I feel as if I can finally take a breath when his piercing gaze leaves mine and lands on Edge. “What are you talkin’ about? You just hired her.”
Edge nods his head slowly from his seat on the couch. “I’m aware of that.”
Marrow and Cadie are looking between the three of us before taking a seat next to Edge, obviously deciding that they want to be comfortablewatchingthe show.
Cadie chews on her bottom lip while looking over at Edge. “I have to agree with Xander. We did just hire her. And I really don’t want to have to go through that process again," shecomplains, though from what she mentioned before, it’s probably warranted.
Old insecurities rear their ugly head and I speak without thinking. “Have I not been doing a good job? I’ve been trying to learn everything as quickly as possible.” I hate myself for the way my voice shakes. Once upon a time, I was an extremely confident woman who had her shit together. These days, not so much.
Edge looks at me with soft eyes. “You’ve been doing a great job Bri. Hell, you picked everything up a lot faster than anyone had dreamed to hope.” He gives me a small smile that calms my nerves but still confuses me as to why he would want to get rid of me if I was doing a good job. “But we both know that you’re being wasted here only being a receptionist. Someone with your resume should be an office manager.”
I can feel myself turn bright red. I was hoping that he wouldn’t pay too much attention to my past work history since it was a few years ago. “I haven’t worked in a few years, you know that,” I say in a low voice.
He nods his head. “I do. But knowledge doesn’t just disappear.”
“I’m pretty sure that X and Sprite would agree with me when I say that we’re pretty confused,” Marrowstates, lookingbetween all of us. Though Cadie isn’t as confused, she’s seen my resume after all.
Before I can tell everyone that it isn’t important, Edge starts in, “She managed the last two places that she worked at.” Drat.
Xander swings his head in my direction, and I feel as if I’m being pulled in by some alien tractor beam thing. I’m a bit of a geek, sue me. “What type of places did you work at?” His voice is low andrumbly, makingme want to do a full body shiver. I refrain, but just barely.
I glance at Edge and want to scowl when I see him wearing a shit-eating-grin. Damn him. I look back at Xander and clear my throat. “One was a small car dealership.”
“Oh, so you know a little somethin’ about cars?” Xander’s eyes light up. Damn it all to hell.
Edge chuckles with a wide smile. “And where was the last place, Bri?”
I purse my lips as Cadie giggles. Traitors,bothof them. “A garage,” I mumble. Damn it, I am just trying to get my life back. I don’t care if I’m a receptionist or not. Everyone here has been incredible to me these past few months.
Xander blinks at me a few times. “You used to manage a garage?” I just nod my head tightly.
“Morelike a highend repair shop,” Edgeadds gleefully.
Xander whistles, “Well damn.” He looks over at Edge with a scowl. “If you knew that, why didn’t you ever say anythin’?”
“Cause, you never said you needed someone,” Edge replies with a shrug. Well, as best of a shrug as he can manage while still holding his daughter.
Xander looks over at me and gives me a once over. It’s not in a sexual way, even though his gaze feels like a caress against my skin, no, his look is more thoughtful. “Are you goin’ to be okay working with mainly a bunch of men?” His tone is calm but there’s a tick in his cheek that I can’t figure out. “I know here, you at least have Cadie and Mel.”
I turn bright red, embarrassed at the fact this Greek god of manobviouslyknows that I’m damaged, even though it shouldn’t bother me, it does. “Are they, umm, well are they nice?” My voice sounds squeaky, but I can’t help it. The thought of being surrounded only by men fills me with dread in a way that it never would’ve years ago. The thought of being in a garage again fills me with fear as well. That’s where I met my ex and some things just won’t leave your mind no matter how much you wish that they would.
He scratches the side of his face, the sound of the short bristles moving reaching me across the room. “I mean, we’re all different levels of asshole.”
Cadie snorts and shakes her head. “Yeah, you’re really selling it Xander.”
I watch as Xander gives her an annoyed look, but it isn’t hostile. If anything, it reminds me of a look that siblings give each other. I should know, I have two sisters and we’ve given that look to each other plenty. “I believe in being upfront and honest, number two. What would you suggest I say?" hegrowls at her.