Page 94 of The Last Sacrifice
She had to trust Draven.
With her face buried in her knees, she inhaled deeply, savoring the lingering scent of Hyde on the jacket.
If she was Queen, then he was her knight protector, and she wished more than anything that he was here. Not even being surrounded by the thick walls of the club with its countless guards made her feel as secure as Hyde had.
The two people that she had made friends with were both gone, and both times, it was her fault. As much as she had wished for it in the last week. Being finally alone... was suffocating.
She didn’t know how long she sat huddled on the bed, but she blinked at the hallway light as the door opened. Draven stepping in, his step hurried as he made his way to her bed.
Tears springing to her eyes as he sat and pulled her against him.
“Oh, my love” His voice was tight with emotions. “I am so sorry” cradling her against his chest, he pressed a kiss against her hair.
She held him tightly, finally allowing the tears she had been holding back to fall freely.
“Nothing like this will ever happen again,”
Gripping her tight, his comforting voice whispering soft promises in her ears, she let herself cry.
Eventually, taking a steadying breath, she looked back up at him. Smiling gently down at her, he wiped a tear off her cheek.
“You ok?”
Nodding, she gave a weak smile. “I picked a dress,” staring up at him, her smile growing stronger as she saw the delight fill his eyes.
“Beloved,” he murmured, his hands cradling her face as he drew her close. The salt of her tears had a bittersweet taste to the softness of his mouth. Her lips opening, she gave a moan as his hands moved down her neck. Stopping only at the leather of Hydes jacket.
Drawing away slowly, his lips turning up a little. He ran a hand over the oversized jacket.
“I hope it’s prettier than this?”
Blushing in the dim light, Talia’s heart skipped a beat at his polite tone.
“It makes me feel ...” frowning she searched for the right word. Looking up at him, Talia bit her lip.
“Safer?” Draven supplied the word. Nodding, Talia shrugged. “I know it’s silly, but Hyde and Ghost have both gotten injured protecting me. I feel strange not having one of them here” tracing her fingers down the zipper, she felt the swell of tears well behind her eyes again.
“They are elite guards, dearest one. It is their job,”
“We should still thank them for their defence of us. Job or not,” meeting his eyes, she frowned a little.
“Hyde will take a few months to return to our service, but Ghost I expect to see tomorrow.”
“Then I will have to wait till I’m truly your Queen to thank him properly.”
“Of course” leaning forward, he captured her lips, his hands sliding the jacket off before the kiss deepened.
“What are you doing?” She smiled against his mouth, feeling his weight as he moved over her, pushing her down on the bed.
“Making sure every inch of you is unharmed,”