Page 95 of The Last Sacrifice
The hotel glowed inthe city's shadow, its neon lights emitting a dull buzz that played on the edge of his hearing as he moved outside of the flashing light's glow.
His eyes red, he stalked the darkness. A slow smile of anticipation crossing his lips. Finally. The scent was strong. Built up over a couple of days, but more importantly, it was fresh. The stupid fucker hadn't left town.
One step after another, Hyde moved with the innate pull of his prey.
Barely noting the prostitute passing him on the stairs. Her small gasp ignored. His focus honed fully on the essence that teased every sense he had. Until he had found his chosen prey, it would haunt and itch at his mind. The pull of certainty growing stronger as he got closer.
Second floor. His feet, even in his thick biker boots, were almost silent on the landing as he moved. Moving past the row of doors, his gaze flicking over them as he passed. Dismissing the wrong doors instinctively. Until stopping at the third door at the end.
This one.
Lit up for his vision alone, his prey's scent almost vibrating in front of him
Hyde breathed deeply and rolled his shoulders. His claws sliding free, flexing. Hungry for the blood of the man who would harm what was his. Hyde let his lips curl into a snarl.
Information first.
With one strong blow, Hyde kicked the door down and entered the room.
The man sitting at the table grabbing a nearby pistol. his reflex’s fast as he pulled the trigger.
His shoulder jerking back as the bullet slammed into him, Hyde snarled as the hunter scrambling for the bathroom.
Moving for the bathroom, Hydes hand catching the door as it almost slammed shut. Forcing it backwards, he slammed it into the man's face as it buckled and cracked under his strength.
Another bullet ripping through the door, hitting his chest as he drew the door back and threw it open again. Half of it breaking under his hand.
“Silver dosn’t work on me.”
Having fallen back into the tiny room's bathtub. The man raised the gun. Unloading the full clip.
He staggered back with each bullet's impact. Gripping the door way, Blood tickling from each small wound. Hyde looked down.
His fingers rose to wipe the blood. He smiled at the empty click of the gun. As one by one, his healing flesh forced each of the bullets out. The wounds sealing closed as the man's eyes widened.
“I expected this to be harder” lifting his head, he watched. An eager smile tugging his lips up as the man pulled himself out of the bath.
Blood from his broken nose coating half his face. The man stood. Drawing a thick blade from a sheath on his belt.
“Hyde, this is an unexpected surprise,”
“Then you're a bigger idiot than you look,”