Page 96 of The Last Sacrifice
Moving forward, the hunter slashed with the blade. In perfect line with his body. The blade's edge sizzling through the muscle on Hyde’s forearm as he blocked.
The fucking thing was blessed.
“Fuck you” hissing in pain, Hyde stepped back into the bedroom. The blade flashed in the light as it came for him a second time. He needed more room to move.
It was two very different things, killing a man in a fight or keeping them alive enough to question.
Eyes narrowing, he watched the hunter advance.
“You’re not so tough when you know something can hurt you, are you?” A condescending smile twisting the blood-splattered lips.
“Yeah, I’m shaking in my boots over your little knife,”
With a swift motion, the hunter brought the gleaming blade down, aiming for Hyde’s stomach. Reacting faster than the zealot could follow, Hyde twisted into him, pulling his hand aside. His razor-sharp claws raked down the hunter’s forearm, cutting deep into the flesh. The metallic tang of blood filled the air as the knife clattered to the floor.
His elbow landed with a sickening thud in the man's gut, and he followed up with a brutal headbutt to the already broken nose. Hyde stepped back as the human staggered, falling to his knees. Barely catching himself on the bed.
Picking up the knife, Hyde held it up to the light. Pretty engravings lining the hilt. Causing the skin on his fingers to heat, just holding it. Tossing it out the shattered door. He turned, his fist slamming into the man's jaw. Sending him back down to the floor.
Gasping for breath. The hunter shook his head.
“Fuck you,”
Hyde ignored him and moved to examine the wall closely. Covered with photos of Talia.
“Why her? And not someone more important?”
Starting from her school photos, work photos and more. He delicately removed a photograph from the pin and gazed intently at it. Talia was curled into his side, asleep. It had to be the honeymoon suite. His eyes lifting to stare at the next photo taken from a distance, but it was clear what it was. Him leading her into the club. To Draven. Crumbling the photo in his hand, he turned.
“Where the fuck did you get these?”
The hunter laughed as he cradled his injured arm.
“Can’t believe you scratched me! “
“Yeah, yeah, if you survive you will become one of us,” looking back down at him, he smiled coldly. “Might even be what some people call justice,”
With a firm grip, Hyde hoisted him up and pushed him towards the photos.
“Answer me, why her?”
Leaning in, the hunter smiled. “Bitch deserves it, sleeping with a vampire,”
His stomach twisting, Hyde threw him across the room. Watching as he slammed into the back wall, landing between the beds.
Groaning, the hunter shook his head.
“You seem upset. Dont be, your master might share what’s left before he is done with her,”
Without even thinking, Hyde was pulling him back to his feet. His fist slamming into his face twice, before throwing him across the bed into another wall.
Bloodied and laughing, the hunter looked up from the floor, his eyes twinkling mischievously.
“Touchy hey.” wiping his nose, he shrugged.
“I am not going to kill you,” breathing past his rage, Hyde snarled at him. “I need you alive. “
“Yeah about that,” coughing a little on the blood trickling down his throat, the hunter shook his head “full moon is almost here, not interested in howling at it. “