Page 70 of Ignition Sequence
She shared that observation with Brick. “We come here to get ideas from one another,” he agreed, “but also to absorb the vibes. An amusement park wouldn’t be half as much fun if you were the only person there. We feed on one another’s energy, and expand on our own paths by exploring it together.”
“So not exactly performance art.”
“It’s much more personal. A sharing. You go to a circus, see the fireplay, you’re looking at a performance. I’m not saying that the performer isn’t feeling and enjoying it at a similar level, but even they know it’s different when they’re by themselves, just connecting to the fire for their own reasons. Or to connect with another person.”
The hint of danger, the watchfulness of the DM and the Domme herself, added an erotic edge to that connection. Les could tell that Brick, while appreciating the sensual picture the two women made, was in the same mode. Fire tops had to be adept at splitting their attention, she surmised. While savoring their own pleasure, the top had to stay vigilant. Ensure the sub trusted she was in safe hands, so she too could experience the pleasure the play offered.
Les suspected that challenge was part of why this appealed to Brick. She visualized herself under his hands, as he touched flame to her skin and made heat prickle along her own flesh.
When the alcohol was burned out, Imelda removed the towel from the blonde’s face. She used the cloth to wipe away the mousse. The woman gazed up at her with an adoring expression, one that still craved more.
“I know you want the burn, my beauty, but I want your skin red, not blistered.” Imelda had a husky voice like the echo in a wet cave.
Brick drew Les to the edges of the group. “With an alcohol fuel barrier, the fire can evaporate the fuel without causing severe burns,” he explained. “But sometimes the heat will burn through in spots.”
He gestured to the next scene he’d brought her to view. “This is fire cupping. See how the Dom is wiping the inside of the cup with the wand? In fireplay, you have to guard against excess fuel dripping where you don’t want it to be. That’s why the Dom just misted the inside of the cup with the alcohol, rather than pouring it in. Some do it that way, and transfer the liquid to another cup, but they’re giving themselves an additional risk to monitor.
“You can forget to check the seemingly empty cup for pooled excess at the bottom when you tip the cup over. It can run places you didn’t intend it to do. Then you put the next cup down, and that spill catches fire. What you want in the cup is just enough to ignite the vapors.”
“Have you done this?” She watched as the flesh was drawn up into the suction of the heated cup, the blue flame dancing.
“It’s not my thing, but yeah. Fire cupping has been used for massage therapy and healing for a long time, but doing it this way, it will leave marks on the body. I don’t mind that, but I like the more tactile forms of fireplay. Fleshing, drumming or tapping. Fire flogging, caning and spanking.”
“Fire spanking?”
“I use a Kevlar glove for it.”
He moved his touch from between her shoulder blades to her braid. He put it over the top of his hand, but captured the tip between thumb and palm. He tugged on it, bringing her head back onto his shoulder. With her vision dominated by his heated expression, he put his mouth on hers, traced her lips with his tongue, then hovered there.
“If I have the sub remove all the hair on her pussy,” he murmured, “I don’t have to limit the spanking to her ass. Unless she wants me to burn her hair off there as part of the experience. Though I prefer to do it on smooth skin.”
Even when Brick wasn’t actively exercising his Dom side, it was there. Maybe that was why she couldn’t stop thinking about that part of him, even if they were doing something mundane. In this case, their surroundings were not at all mundane, and he was actively being a Dom. His sexually charged appeal could reach, well, incendiary levels.
“You like having your cunt spanked,” he noted, holding her entranced gaze. “If you wanted me to do it with fire, I’d do the hair removal myself, make you smooth. I’d put my mouth there to test I did the job properly.”
He released her hair with a caressing touch. “After the removal, we have to wait at least a day to do the fireplay. The alcohol can burn differently right after the removal, leave deeper marks or cause you the wrong kind of discomfort.”
“I think you say things like that just to keep me so weak-kneed I need your help to walk.”
“It’s a side benefit.” He slanted her a smile, but the fire in his gaze didn’t abate as the two of them wandered onward.
“Imelda, having those scars. And you…I guess I get some of it, but I still wonder why you like this, with the really awful things you’ve seen fire do.”
“I can’t speak to Imelda’s motives. She’s pretty closed mouthed about that. But firemen have an interesting relationship with fire.” Brick shrugged. “It's a living thing, needing oxygen and fuel to sustain it. Like most natural forces, it's impervious to love or hate. I know the awful things it can do, and how unpredictable it can be, how wild. But if you learn to understand and respect it, it also has a rhythm. You can dance with it.
“Being able to spread flame on someone's skin and take it away without causing harm, causing pleasure instead, is something I like,” he added. “Having that control, balanced with respect for what fire is, how it allows me to use it? It calls to me.”
He touched her cheek. “It’s like the gift of submission itself, what a sub offers me when she asks me to touch flame to her flesh. Fire burns but it also warms. It strokes, like the heat in my hand.” His fingers slid over her back, up between her shoulder blades, emphasizing the point.
When they reached the next station, he settled the hand back onto her hip. The fire top was placing bits of cotton on the skin that made a quick flash when ignited. Hence the term “flashing,” Brick explained. The fire bottom, a slender male, wiggled a little bit, as if the sensation was ticklish.
She’d been doing well on the medical side of things, reassured by Brick’s explanations of the safety precautions. But as they reached the next scene, the sudden burst of flame, the cry of the sub, couldn’t stop her from lunging forward. Fortunately, Brick’s hold kept her behind the taped barrier.
The woman on the table held onto the edges with clenched hands as her breasts and sternum were immersed in purple flame. The reason she’d cried out wasn’t because of that. Or just because of that. A vibrator was being applied to her privates. As the fire leaped, she bucked.
Two men worked over her, one holding the vibrator, the other monitoring the fire. He passed his fingers through it, his other hand on the side of her head, stroking her through the tight scarf holding her hair from her strained face. As the flames started to die down, he leaned forward and pursed his lips, to blow a soft puff of air over it. The flame leaped up again.
“They’re using butane bubbles,” Brick told her. She stared, her body vibrating as the woman’s writhed, the two men keeping her on the table as she shuddered into a climax. The top monitoring the fire doused the flames and put his hand between her legs, taking her through the rest of it. Les wondered if her skin would feel damp and steaming, moist within and without.