Page 71 of Ignition Sequence
She was reaching that mental overload again, but no surprise, Brick was ahead of it this time. She suspected he rarely made the same mistake twice, particularly when it involved someone he cared about.
He’d drawn her away from the scene, but came to a halt as she clutched his arm at her waist, pressed her face to his biceps. She kissed him there with teeth, soft lips and questing tongue. She wanted…she knew what she wanted. She would tell him right here and now, felt like she should. But before she could open her mouth, someone else spoke.
Brick tightened his arm around her, the spark in his eyes and the strength of his arm acknowledging the edge she’d been on. Reluctantly, he turned toward the call. A lean and tall man who looked like a fifty-something rock band guitarist was coming their way. The woman with him, around the same age, had long hair the dun color of a deer’s flank. She also had large, thick lashed brown eyes, heavy breasts and wide hips.
“Dirk.” Brick shook his hand and nodded to the woman. “Lisa.”
“Tish doing okay after her first fireplay?” Dirk asked.
“She is. I’m laying bets you’ll see her and Richard do something at the next monthly get-together.”
“Really?” Lisa’s eyes sparked with female interest. “I thought they made a connection.”
As Lisa turned a curious gaze to her, Les sorted what pleasant, nice-to-meet-you expression would work. This was her first casual conversation with someone wearing the almost-nothing Lisa was wearing.
A harness held her from thighs to upper torso. The straps framed her naked breasts, while D-links connected the harness to a collar around her throat. It was stamped with one word. His.
The harness below her waist was covered with a clear plastic mini-skirt. Straps ran between and around her plump thighs. Dirk’s hand rested on her back, thumb through the strap that connected to the collar so he could apply tension as he desired. At least that was where Les’s brain went on it.
When Brick had addressed Lisa, she’d lowered her gaze, an acknowledgement of Brick as a Dom. Brick had reinforced that by shaking Dirk’s hand and accepting Lisa’s nonverbal response as the appropriate greeting.
Les had seen plenty of evidence of Dom/sub hierarchy tonight, and she assumed the degree of it was the choice of the Doms and subs in question. To see a matter-of-fact display of it up close and personal made that longing in her lower belly get even stronger.
Like Brick said, it might not look just like this, but what was under it? Yes. This is what I want.
“This is my friend, Les.” Brick introduced her. “She’s seeing a lot of this for the first time tonight.”
“Does it feel incredibly familiar, yet totally sci-fi?” Lisa asked her, with a friendly smile.
A great description. It was as if Les knew the language being spoken here, though the words were foreign. It was the way it was being spoken that made her heart jump, her palms damp, and fingers nervously clutch.
She wondered how she would have felt if Brick could have introduced her as his sub.
Dirk gave Les a faint smile. “She’s a Trek fan. Spock was her first Dom fantasy. Are you doing any fire spinning tonight, Brick?”
“No. I want to keep my focus on Les tonight.”
“Makes sense. When you have time, reach out to me on the group chat link. Lisa has asked for permission to do a fire flogging experience, and I’ve said yes, but you’re the only one I’ll trust with that.”
Lisa’s face flashed with disappointment when Brick said he wasn’t playing tonight. Though she quickly schooled her face otherwise, Dirk had seen it. “My mama here knows when I say she has to wait, that’s what we do. Though sometimes she gets her butt whipped for getting impatient.”
Lisa’s mischievous look was flavored with irony. “Need a beer, Master?”
“I once got my ass handed to me,” Dirk told Les. “My beautiful mama showed me she knows the difference between ‘obey your Master’ and ‘bring me a beer, bitch.’”
“Some Doms are a little thick-headed.” Brick elbowed Dirk. “They have to learn the difference between requiring acts of service and being a lazy asshole to a woman who’s been on her feet all day.”
Brick’s gaze moved to Les. She knew he was remembering her toweling off his back.
“Yep.” Unoffended by the observation, Dirk nevertheless affected a mock sternness as Lisa demurely looked at the floor. A smile played over her full lips. “Damn woman upended the beer on my head,” he told Les. “She got a big spanking for it later, but for the right reasons, after we clarified where I’d fucked up.”
He stroked her thick hair. The devotion in the gesture tugged Les’s heartstrings. It was obvious he’d do anything for her. “Anyhow, we’ll leave you to it. But if you change your mind, I know a lot of people would love to see a fire flogging tonight.”
“Brick.” Les looked up at him. “If you want to do that, I wouldn’t mind. I’d find it interesting to watch.”
Though Lisa’s eyes brightened like stars, Dirk didn’t acknowledge it. Instead, he met Brick’s gaze. “You know where we’ll be if you change your mind,” he said, and firmly guided Lisa away.