Page 80 of The Consigliere
“That’s your plan, a woman?” Dom huffs with exasperation.
Leo shrugs. “Never underestimate the power of a woman, brother. Look what happened the last time we did that.”
He reminds us all of the traitor that currently sits at the head of this family and Dom says with interest, “Who is she?”
“The daughter of a woman Carlos murdered several years ago. She wants her revenge and has been sharpening her skills accordingly.”
Dom sighs, “You are seriously thinking a woman can fix this. She had better be a fucking warrior with a fucking army, because that’s what we need.”
“Trust me brothers. She is our best shot, so leave me to unleash the beast and concentrate on gathering information.”
He stands and, as always, it makes me lower my eyes because even from an early age, Leo commanded respect. He doesn’t have the brute force of Dom or the hunger for violence. He doesn’t revel in information gathering like I do, but he is the man who gets shit done. He has an aura of darkness that sucks the oxygen from any room and keeps any thoughts or emotions well hidden behind his enigmatic eyes.
He is the most dangerous one of us because when it comes to Leo, you never know what he’s thinking and his thoughts aren’t for the faint hearted and as enemies go, Carlos Matasso has just made an extremely dangerous one in Leonardo Ortega.
The door clicks open, and I close my eyes tightly, pretending to be asleep to resist the urge I have to run to him. When he left earlier, for a moment, it was as if I was having a panic attack. It soon passed, but it struck me how dependant I am on him in such a short space of time, and I don’t like it. What if he tires of me clinging to him and suffocating him?
Before I met him, I like to think I was an independent woman, in thought only that is. I was strong, and able to hide my emotions, which protected me, kind of, anyway. All my life, I’ve hidden behind a façade of superiority and a coolness that’s served me well. The ice queen, I suppose, not the desperate woman Matteo Ortega has made me into.
The more time I spend with him, the harder I’m falling and when I hit the ground, I know I will break. For now, he is intrigued by me, but that could soon turn to indifference, so I decided to make myself stronger just to stand a chance of keeping his love.
I’m not even sure what the future holds for us. We are married, but for how long? If my father gets his way, it was just a ceremony that will be banished to the history books and swept under the rug as my dirty little secret. I will be made to marry someone like Jefferson to try to gather the remaining tatters of respectability that my family are clinging onto. I know how this all works. I’m not a fool and worlds like mine and the Ortega’s are never permitted to collide.
So, I need to prepare for that and try to distance myself from my husband because I have a sinking feeling that privilege is a fleeting one and sooner rather than later, I’ll be back where I started—alone.
The bed dips and I half turn away, trying desperately to remain indifferent, and then a rough hand traces a light path down my body, pushing my thighs apart and caressing my clit. My eyes snap open because, for fuck’s sake, this is so unfair and the lustful eyes that stare back at me cause a shiver of excitement to ripple through my body.
“Honey, I’m home.” He whispers close to my ear, and I gasp as his finger enters my pussy and pushes in deep. His thumb caresses my clit, and I can’t prevent the low moan that escapes, telling him in an instant that he’s won this particular battle, and the smirk on his face makes me angry with myself for falling at the first fucking hurdle.
He carries on, staring into my eyes and working my body until the pressure increases and my breath comes in short, needy pants. My body arches toward his hand, desperate to be played by a professional and I must give him praise. He’s genius at what he does.
Just when I think he’s broken me, he removes his finger and places it into his mouth, sucking it clean as he stares at me with so much lust, I catch my breath.
He reaches for my hand, and I stare up at him in confusion as he says almost roughly, “There’s something I need to show you.”
“But…” I hate that I sound needy and slightly petulant because he has denied me something he promised the moment he touched my body and the spark in his eyes intrigues me as he says with a wicked smile, “It’s time to erase memories.”
Despite the fact I haven’t got a clue what he’s talking about, something is telling me it’s for my benefit, so I follow him from the room, dressed only in a silk chemise, wondering if I should change.
He doesn’t appear to care that I’m almost naked and as we leave his bedroom, he walks the short distance to the room he showed me on the first day I was here. The room that intrigued me then and fills me with apprehension now.
His dungeon.
We reach the door, and my heart rate increases as with no words, he lifts the silk from my body, so I stand naked before him. The fact he is still fully dressed all in black makes my mouth water because there is something so incredibly sexy about the dark and dangerous man staring at me with lustful intent, promising me I’m about to learn what the word pleasure really means.
He stands back and runs that wicked gaze the length of me, his desire burning and branding me in a second as his. I will always be his. I’m resigned to that, but how long before he turns that gaze onto a fresh challenge and leaves me to pick up the pieces?
“Trust me, princess.”
His command increases my heart rate because what the fuck is he going to do and yet I merely nod and cast my mind back to the first night we met, and he took my virginity in a cold callous act of ownership.
I loved it. I lusted after it because I was the one in control of my body and I was making a decision that was one big fuck you to my parents. We have come full circle now and I know what he’s doing. He’s gifting ownership back to me by giving me a choice. To anyone looking in, they wouldn’t see it that way, but I know what this is. He is giving me what I need.