Page 13 of Sinful Boss
“Ms. Quinn.”
We look up to see Maria at the bar.
“Table six needs to see a manager.” She low-key rolls her eyes.
“Fantastic,” I mutter under my breath, handing Carter the glass and towel and plastering a smile on my face.
Liz smelled like nothing but cheap perfume and mint gum when I’d left last night. She did seem a little suspicious when she saw me lingering after five, though, but I made a quick excuse that I was behind on the books.
I suck in a mouthful of clean summer Colorado air and pedal faster along the trail. Mountain biking is most definitely one of the best quirks of living here. I could never do this in Alabama. No mountains, everything is pretty much flat. Not to discredit the absolutely gorgeous beaches that I swear are the best-kept secret in the country. I sigh, painfully missing the beaches of Gulf Shores, especially since it’s summertime, but knowing I’m going back there for a visit soon soothes the ache.
Scooting around some bushes and then having to slow and practically walk my bike around some hikers, I try not to get annoyed. This is a bike trail, not a hiking trail, but I suppose it could be used for either. Though, I’d never take my mountain bike on a trail specifically marked for hiking.
I pedal up a steep incline, sweat building under my helmet and dripping down my face. I swipe it away and keep going, knowing once I reach my destination it’ll all be worth it. I smile at the beautiful purple larkspurs and colorful wildflowers growing at the edge of the red dirt trail and then look up at the large, snowless peaks ahead of me. The sun is making its way over to the mountain, and I’m thankful it won’t set just yet. I gaze up at it, pedaling faster to reach my prize. I blow out a breath from the exertion and suddenly my front tire jars, hitting something, and I’m tumbling over. My body flies off the seat and over to the side, where my arm hits a rock as I put my hand out to break my fall. I land in a heap.
“Gosh dang it!” I yell. “Ow!” I grab my shoulder and try to stand, but my hip and back are killing me too.
“Oh, my God. Are you okay?” one of the hikers who I’d passed asks.
Guess it’s not so bad to have hikers on a bike trail…
“Yeah, I’m okay.” I look at my bike, then the stretch of trail I’d been riding and see a huge rock jutting out of the red dirt. “Looks like I hit a frickin’ rock. Crap.” I get up and inspect my bike’s tire. “I guess I should thank my lucky stars I didn’t get a flat, then I’d be in a world a hurt.”
The young couple smiles at me. The man grabs my hand and helps me to stand. “You are lucky. Where you from?”
“Well, I live here now, but I’m originally from God’s country. Alabama USA, sir.”
He chuckles. “Well, welcome to Colorado. Dry air and rocks everywhere.”
“I see that,” I reply with a laugh of my own. “Name’s Quinn.”
“I’m Brett and this is Ainsley.” We shake hands.
“Nice to meet you both. Thanks for stoppin’ and makin’ sure I’s okay.”
“Are you, though?” Ainsley says, pointing to my shoulder. “You’re bleeding.”
I look down. “Well, it seems I am. I got a first-aid kit in my pack here.” I pull my small cross-body sling backpack off and unzip it. “It’s just a scratch, I’m sure.” It feels like a hell of a lot more than a scratch, like my muscles are ripped in half, but I keep on a pained smile. “I’ll be all right.”
“Are you sure?” Brett asks.
I use my good hand to wave. “Of course. I’ll just clean up this cut and be on my way. Thanks for askin’.”
“Nice meeting you,” Ainsley says, and they continue their hike, holding hands, and I wonder at the weird upside-down pineapple on her backpack.
Once they’re out of sight, I look at the cut. I’m wearing a tank top so no clothes were ruined, thankfully, but the cut’s pretty deep. I clean it with some antiseptic wipes and put a Band-Aid over the cut as best I can. After righting my bike, I keep riding, trying to ignore the dull pain in my hip and back. But it’s my shoulder that’s killing me.
Thankfully, it’s only about half a mile of very slow riding until I reach the secret hot springs I thought only I knew about. I mean, I’ve never ever seen another living soul here as long as I’ve been coming here. But to my surprise, I see Brett and Ainsley slinking into the steaming water and I’m not sure how I feel. Disappointed?
“Oh, hello again,” I drawl. “I didn’t think anyone knew about this secret hidey-hole but me!”
“Hi, Quinn!” Ainsley waves. “Join us.”
“Are you sure?” I ask hesitantly. “I was just gonna have a soak. My shoulder and hip are killin’ me.”