Page 14 of Sinful Boss
“You definitely need to come into these healing waters then,” Brett comments, waving his hand over the water.
I prop my bike against a nearby tree and stand there contemplating what to do. “Well, I didn’t bring nothin’ to wear, I usually go aw’ naturale, if you get what I’m sayin’?”
They both laugh. “We’re not clothed either,” Ainsley says with a twinkle in her eye.
“Okay, well, y’all turn around so I can get undressed.”
They begin kissing each other to get their attention off me and I briefly wonder if I should reconsider the plan. But dammit, I rode all the way up here just for these hot springs. And because I don’t have a hot tub at home (I’m saving up for one), I really need to soak these aching muscles.
Ah, screw it. I quickly disrobe and slink into the steamy water. “Ahh.”
“Feels amazing, right?” Brett asks, his gaze wandering down to my chest where my breasts are barely under the water. Not that they’re much to look at, I can barely fill a C cup.
“So, what do y’all do?” I ask, trying to break the awkward tension. There’s no way I’m leaving this hot spring. It’s practically orgasmic with how relaxed I am already.
“I’m in IT. Ainsley is getting her degree in hospitality management.”
“Is that so?” I ask. “I manage a brewery pub in downtown Denver. Y’all should stop by sometime.”
“Oh really? I’m looking for an internship, I graduate in December.”
“I don’t know if we offer those, but I can ask the bosses. Silver Park Brewery’s the name. Y’all come down, the beer’s amazin’.”
“Ooh, is it a Silver Breweries place? I love their beer.”
I nod. “Yes, siree. Best in the state.”
There’s a lull in the conversation, so I close my eyes and lean my head back against the rocks, letting out a long groan and a sigh. The hot water is soothing my shoulder and other sore areas, and I know after thirty minutes I’ll be good to ride back down the mountain and go home.
I slowly open my eyes to find Brett and Ainsley sitting on either side of me, and I startle.
“Oh! Y’all are real friendly, aren’t ya?”
“Yes, we are,” Brett says, running his finger down my cheek.
“Oh, boy,” I say. “I… uh… aren’t y’all a couple or somethin’?”
“We are,” Ainsley says. “But we like to play with other people. Especially beautiful women. I like guys and girls. You wanna play with us, Quinn?”
Play with them? Oh… sex. With both of them? “Well, I ain’t never been with a woman before. I reckon it’s because I’m more into dudes. But you do have some pretty boobies.” I look down at them and wish mine were that pretty. I realize I’m staring too long when I feel Brett’s hand on my thigh, and I jump.
“Well, I’m not sure about this, y’all…”
Brett begins to kiss my neck while Ainsley’s hand runs up my thigh under the water and brushes the apex between my thighs. My legs open involuntarily, and when her finger slides over my sensitive spot and begins to massage me there, I shudder. Brett’s fingers are tweaking my nipple, and I feel myself wanting to give in to the climax that’s building from what they’re doing to me. I close my eyes and concentrate on what she’s doing, trying not to think how bizarre it is that I’m doing this with perfect strangers. What she’s doing feels so good… but… can I have sex with these people? What if they want me to get them off too? But damn… this girl knows how to please another girl. I can feel myself getting close…
Ainsley grabs my hand under the water and pulls it up to put on her breast, the action causing pain in my shoulder to rocket through me, breaking me out of this erotic spell these two have me under.
“Ouch,” I say, pulling my hand back, causing more pain.
“I… I need to go,” I say, scrambling out of the hot water. I grab my clothes and try to put them on my wet body.
“You don’t want to play with us?” Brett asks, faking a pout.
“We can make you feel real good,” Ainsley says, licking her lips.
“I’m sorry, y’all. I’m just… I’m not into that and I wish you well in your endeavors to find yourselves a, uh, playmate. Nice meetin’ you.”
I shove my sling backpack across my body and pedal madly down the trail, wondering what the heck just happened.