Page 35 of I Blame the Dimples
“Even Caveman Cody?”
“Even Caveman Cody.” As soon as the words slips past her lips, Stella immediately stiffens in her seat. “But if you tell a single soul I said that youwillbe brutally murdered in our dorm.” Laughing, I draw a cross over my chest.
“I will take it with me to the grave. Or the stone age as the case may be.” Groaning at my terrible pun, Stella flops her head on the table just as Cody and Wes materialize.
“I hope you didn’t close your eyes the whole time, Stella. You would have missed a quality performance.” Stella flips Wes the bird from her resting position.
The vigorous performance left a couple of gelled spikes haphazardly sticking to Wes’ forehead and his eyeliner is smeared halfway down his glistening face. Most people in this situation (re: me) would look like a sweaty raccoon but somehow Wes looks more like a rockstar than a savage animal.
It’s annoying to say the least.
“Where did you find those t-shirts?” My question inspires Stella to raise her head from the table and peek at our teammates.
“I Love Guns N’ Roses,” Stella smirks as she reads the thick cotton material. “Bet I can guess who you got those from.”
“Axl was kind enough to give us a couple of the extra shirts he brought tonight. Said something about not wanting to call the cops when the mob mauls us.” Delivering the response with a straight face, Cody sets off a bout of laughter around the table.
“I’m surprised you guys didn’t maul each other with those backflips. Pretty sure I saw Cody’s foot graze one of your spikes.” Wes grins at my observation, his eyes sparkling with the after-effects of his performance.
“The only thing I was worried about was fully rotating. Last practice I biffed it so hard I tasted grass for the rest of the day.” Wes mimes plucking grass out of his teeth while Cody chuckles at the memory. “Easily the best rookie moment of the year. Wish we’d caught it on camera.”
“Why are you guys practicing backflips for lacrosse?” Stella voices the question running through my head. The varsity players exchange conspicuous glances.
“Should we tell them?” Wes drops his voice to a dramatic stage whisper while Cody taps his chin in contemplation, “Do we think they’ve earned the privilege?”
Interrupting their moment, Stella scoffs, “Need I remind you that Trip won the triviaandthecostume contest? She is ahead of both you losers.” I smile as the boys sigh with defeat.
“She’s right, isn’t she?” Wes says mournfully, earning a solemn nod from Cody.
“I guess we have to tell them. Wes, will you do the honours?” Motioning for us to crowd closer, Wes assembles a group huddle for the confession.
“Taber is hosting our opening game next weekend… so when it comes time for the Tiger players to be announced, we are going to set off a backflip chain.” Stella claps her hands with glee while I frown pensively.
“Doesn’t that risk a player getting injured before the game starts?” Wes shoots an imaginary gun at me.
“Absolutely but think of it this way: A player could just as easily get injuredwalkingto the field for warm up. May as well add some excitement for the effort.” Noting the confusion on my face, Cody hurries to jump in.
“What Wes has failed to mention is its tradition for the home team hosting the opener to do some sort of act or stunt before the game, so backflips are what we’ve decided on.”
Stella nods in agreement, “Backflips are surprisingly tame compared to some of the other years. I remember the one-time Mo and his teammates ran through a wall of fire. Took them weeks to get the fire department to sign off on the idea.” At the mention of her brother, Cody subtly shifts away from my roommate.
“The fire department actually signed off on lacrosse players running through a wall of fire?” Disbelief floods my voice as Cody shakes his head.
“It’s true. It was a year before I became a rookie and my parents took me to watch a game. The fire department built a safe zone with sand and everything around the fuel line. The fire only went up about two feet and was controlled by an officer, but the effect was still pretty cool.” Stella smiles at the memory, oblivious to the increased space Cody put between then.
“Mo got students, professors, even parents to sign the fire wall petition. Basically, the fire department had two choices: help set up the fire wall safely and have an officer overseeing the processorallow the chem students to set up their own combustion. Either way, the fire wall was happening. Took a while to get permission but eventually they gave in.”
“Mighty Mo, doing what Mighty Mo does best.” Admiration fills Wes’ voice as Cody gives a rueful laugh, “Even off the field Mo always gets his way.”
Chapter 15
“Red or black?”
Nico waves two silk shirts in my line of vision. I study the identical material save for colour, answering the question with one of my one: “fiery passion or sultry seduction?”
“Ugh. You make these decisions so much harder.”