Page 36 of I Blame the Dimples
I smirk, unable to help myself, “I’m sure that’s not the only thing that’s going to be hard tonight.” Raising my hand for a high five, Nico slaps it with a groan.
No matter how terrible my jokes are, Nico never leaves me hanging. Unrecruited high fives are, after all, the very essence of an unhappy friendship.
Read more about it when you purchase my self-help book available at any Canadian bookstore.
“I think I have to go with passion. No, sultry. Fuck it, I’m feeling bold tonight.” Tossing the black option back on the bed, Nico pulls the red shirt over his head.
“Sure, you don’t want to join tonight?” Dousing himself in cologne that matches the colour of his shirt, Nico shoots me a wink. “The boys will be crushed when they find out you’re not there.” I laugh from my position on the couch, laptop precariously balancing on my stomach.
“I’m sure you and the boys will manage just fine.” When Nico arrived at Taber, one of the first things he did was hunt for a gay bar. Being a small town in Southern Alberta, we ended up having to drive 45 minutes to the nearest city so Nico could keep his playboy reputation going. There are plenty of gay freshmen here at the university, but my best friend likes to have lots of options when he chooses the next notch for his bedpost.
My boy is a picky eater, what can I say.
“What are you doing again tonight?” I pull up the word document that has my entire psych paper written down and delete the last sentence. Trip said I had to finish the paper Sunday night, not start it.
“Trip is coming over to watch HSM for the first time.”
Placing a hand over his heart, Nico shakes his head. “The fact she grew up withoutTroy Bolton hurts me on a different level.” He wanders over to the bathroom, calling out from inside, “Do I need to keep a lookout for sweat socks on door handles?”
A strange sensation fills my chest.
“We’re just friends, man. No sex codes will be needed tonight.” Do I find Trip attractive? Of course. Have we almost kissed a couple times? Sure. Butalmostkissing is notactuallykissing. And it most certainly isn’t sex.
Noticing my tone, Nico peeks his head out from the bathroom. “How long has it been since you’ve been laid?”
“Pfft, like…” I trail off, doing the math in my head. I was supposed to have a one-on-one with Miss Finance last night but then I went to the Rockers event instead. There was that redhead from wing night with the team but… I lost interest before anything happened. Serena from psych invited me over after class that one time but I ended up in the courtyard instead.
“SIMONE!” I shout out the name in relief as I recall the gorgeous dark-skinned girl from the club.
“Hmm, isn’t Simone the girl you ditched to teach Trip how to dance?”
Mother fucker. He’s right. That means I haven’t gotten laid since the cloakroom at Cody’s lacrosse party.
Three weeks ago.
“May I say something?” Nico’s voice echoes from the bathroom. Groaning, I grab a cushion and smash it against my face.
“I am going to take that as a yes. Look, it’s obvious you like the girl, so why don’t you just ask her out?” I mumble unintelligently into the cushion.
“Sorry, I don’t speak polyester.” Blindly flipping off my roommate, I sit up and toss the pillow to the ground. “It’s… complicated.”
Nico struts out of the bathroom, top three buttons undone.
“Uncomplicate it then.” I huff out a laugh, tilting my head back to stare at the stained ceiling.
“Nope, just smart with a nice ass.” I chuckle, not taking my eyes off the discoloured patch above my head. Has it really been three weeks? I can’t remember the last time I went three weeks without sex. Grade twelve? Eleven?Ten?
Jesus, my mind doesn’t even go back that far.
I frown at the stain, feeling like I’m missing something. There’s a piece of my celibacy puzzle that’s in sight but just out of reach.
“Hey man, when we were out at wing night last week, what happened to that redhead I was talking to?” Shit, I can’t even remember her name, but she definitely had auburn curls.
“If I remember correctly, you disappeared to use the washroom and then when you came back you didn’t look at her again. It was like a switch was flicked while you were in the can.” I feel a wave of guilt hit me.
“Was she upset?” Just because I enjoy women does not mean I enjoy hurting their feelings. It’s one of the main reasons I encourage flings rather than relationships.