Page 44 of I Blame the Dimples
She is my inhale that has taken the place of everything else.
“Well, I'm sure she will be happy to come support you.” Cody’s voice snaps me out of my reverie and suddenly my Spidey senses are tingling. There is a hidden conversation going on.
“Have you invitedStellato watch the game?” Boom. Who’s the white Gandhi now.
Cody shoots me a quizzical look, “Why would I do that?”
“Aw, come on Cap. You’re talking to your boy here.” My response gets an eyebrow raise, so I’m thinking the boy comment was a little offside.
But hey, if a man recruits another man as his wingman, it is only appropriate to assume an unbreakable bond has been made. Whether Cody knows it or not, we are partners for life.
“She’ll be at the game. Mo’s going to be there.” Shit. I forgot the legend himself is attending this next game.
“Aren’t you two pretty close?” Cody barely mentions the guy, but I remember Stella insinuating they were tight.
My comment earns a shrug, “He was a great mentor my freshman year. Taught me tricks to improve my game as well as study habits. When he nominated me captain at the end of last year, I was blown away. The fact he chose a soon-to-be sophomore instead of one of the senior players caused a huge backlash, but Mo stood by his decision.” Cody pauses, his face pensive.
“Mo always gets his way.” I repeat the comment Cody made just the other night. He nods in acknowledgment, “You don’t get labelled Mighty if people can push you around.”
My captain looks off in the distance, perspiration glistening along his neck.
“After nominating me captain, he pulled me aside to state the one condition of my position. No matter what happens on the field, we’re brothers. And as his brother, it’s up to me to lookout for our sister next year.” My eyes widen at the confession.
“That’s a lot of pressure to put on a junior. Did you even know Stella at the time?” Rubbing his neck, Cody barks out a laugh, “He pointed her out every game. She never missed one. But as for meeting her? Until last year’s banquet, she was simply a blonde silhouette in the bleachers.”
“Whoa,” I am at a loss for words. And trust me, that doesn’t happen very often.
I am all for protecting one’s younger siblings, hell, Lacey has always been my number one priority, but to pass that responsibility onto someone else? Not to mention someone who’s just completed their freshman year? That’s a different kind of messed up. I know fora fact that if Lace was in a jam and couldn’t get a hold of me, Nico would gladly take my place. But that’s hisdecision, not one I would make for him.
“Anyways, Stella will definitely be in the stands on Saturday.”
“With Mo,” I voice the unspoken thought written across Cody’s face.
He huffs out a breath and gives me a weary smile, “That’s right. She’ll be in the stands with Mo.”
“What movie is it going to be tonight?” My roommate struts into the living room waving around the remote like she’s the world’s shortest game show host.
“You choose.” I’m scribbling down study notes for the fifteen exams coming up next week. Okay, fifteen might be a slight exaggeration; it’s more like ten. Or three.
“Always giving me the tough decisions.” Stella plops herself down on the couch next to me and I shift my books to make more room.
“The question is: can I find a film that’s more exciting than a certain lacrosse playeradmiringa lovely pair of legs during psychology class?” I throw my pen at her and Stella bats it away with a laugh.
“I regret telling you that.” My grumble is met with a fake pout and dark blue eyes batting my way.
“Aw, come on. It would be cruel for you to deprive me of gossip that frisky and even crueler of me to never bring it up.”
I sigh, pushing my study notes away as Stella starts flipping through Netflix. No more work will be done tonight, so I may as well enjoy the roommate bonding.
“Do you think it’s strange, what I’m doing with Wes?” I blush as I ask the question, feeling oddly exposed and unsure of whether I really want the answer.
“You mean the kissing or the classroom fondling?” Stella unglues her gaze from the screen to glance at me. I shift uncomfortably, face no doubt as red as a tomato.
“Er… both? We haven’t gone on any dates so does that make us friends with benefits or just friends who occasionally fool around?” Both of those options make me cringe. But asking if we are kind of, sort of, maybe a thingmakes me want to cringe even more.
Stella taps her chin thoughtfully, “Unfortunately for us, your boy has not taken the traditional route. So, even though his signals seem clear, at the end of the day it is still an assumption on our part.” I nod for her to continue, choosing not to focus on how much I love hearing Wes referred to as my boy.