Page 45 of I Blame the Dimples
“What wedoknow is Wes invests his time, effort, and energy in making sure you are having the best time in every situation. Whether that means giving you a hug in the middle of rush week, dressing up like Billie Joe Armstrong because he’s your favourite singer, or teaching you the miracles he can perform with his tongue; Wes is always looking out for your best interests.” Stella throws me a wink with the last item and I stick my tongue out in response.
“What wedon’tknow is the exclusivity of these make out sessions and whether Wes is serious about embarking on a relationship.” I’ve been repeating the same thing to myself all week but hearing the words come out of Stella’s mouth hits me harder than expected.
Unable to hide my grimace, I do my best to shrug it off.
“Look, Lou. Everyone knows Wes is interested, hell evenWesknows he’s interested. But the problem is boys are dumb. Say it with me: Boys. Are. Dumb.” A smile tugs my lips as we chant the anthem in our otherwise silent dorm.
“That’s my girl. Now, even though we don’t know what Wes’ intentions are, we do know that he is a great guy. So, my advice is to move forward with caution. Keep having fun but don’t put all your eggs in one basket, if you know what I mean. Well, at least not until he asks you out on anofficialdate because in that case all bets are off.” She makes a crude motion with her hands and a laugh bursts out of me.
“Thank you, Stella.” Holding out my arm for a side hug, my roommate shuffles over to wrap her arms tightly around me.
“Anytime, hon. Just promise me one thing.” Pulling away from our embrace, I see a hint of concern shining in her pretty eyes.
“When the time comes, just make sure you’re theonlygirl on his mind.” Just as I’m opening my mouth to respond, my phone buzzes with an incoming message.
WES: I’ve got an emergency.
Stella playfully flicks me on the nose to get my attention.
“Just remember what I said, okay? I don’t normally break lacrosse players twice my size, but I’ll do it if I have to.” Her unshakable loyalty brings tears to my eyes. When was the last time I had someone other than my parents in my corner?
Blinking the excess emotion from my eyes, I nod, “I’ll remember. I promise.”
“Good.” Stella jumps up from the couch, stalks into her room, and returns a few moments later with a bag of microwave popcorn.
“I’m going to get our snacks ready, so you’ve got exactly two minutes and thirty seconds to respond to that handsome man before I steal you away for our movie night.” With a disapproving wag of her finger, she declares, “No Tommy Texters allowed.”
A sheepish grin takes over my face as I hastily pull up my texting conversation thread.
ME: Do you need CPR?
WES: Only if you’re offering.
If there is one thing Wes has mastered, it is the art of flirting. And maybe kissing.
ME: The only CPR course I took, I failed.
WES: Note to self: Don’t go to Trip for life support.
ME: Funny. What’s the non-life-threatening emergency?
I can hear Stella humming above the whirling noise of the microwave. I sneak a glance over the couch – and yup, my roommate is in the middle of swaying her hips to the sound of kernels popping. I’ve yet to find a situation where Stella doesn’t dance.
WES: The opener is in two days, and I don’t have a dress shirt.
My brows knit together in confusion.
ME: You wear a dress shirt to play the first game of the season?
WES: I wish. Sadly, the formal wear is just tradition for the team to wear on game day.
Oh. That does make more sense.
ME: I see. So what do you need me for?
The microwave beeps and my roommate yells from the kitchen, “Ten seconds, Lou!”
I shake my phone impatiently as typing bubbles appear.