Page 4 of Becca's Trouble
Genie’s lips tightened. “That’s a yes.”
Genie could always read her too well, no matter how hard Becca tried to block her. Their psychic abilities brought on by experimental drugs given to their mother while she was pregnant with the triplets were very powerful, thanks to the CTA and their father.
“What’s a yes?” Kyle, Genie’s husband, said walking into the room.
Here we go.Becca took a deep breath and tried to swallow her impatience.
“Becca has a stalker,” Genie said matter-of-factly. “Someone’s been watching her.”
“I wouldn’t call him a stalker,” Becca said as Kyle’s eyebrows rose.
Genie shook her head. “Someone is sending you beautiful but dangerous gifts. What would you call him?”
“A nut job,” Kyle answered.
Becca grinned. “I knew I liked you.”
Kyle put his arm around her shoulder and squeezed her. “Hopefully more than you did when you tried to blow me up.”
Becca grinned wide. “One little mistake and a girl can never live it down.”
“Happy birthday, sister-in-law.”
“Can we please just forget about birthdays for today?” Becca pleaded closing up the box and carrying it to the cabinet with the others.
“Nope,” Genie said, still holding her hand under the water. “I like celebrating my birthday. Everyone has to be nice to you all day, and we get to eat cake with lots of icing.”
“Except me. Since I’m the birthday girl too, I don’t have to be nice.”
“You just don’t like sharing,” Genie said.
Becca shrugged. “Who does?”
Kyle frowned as he walked toward Genie and stared at her hand. “That’s nasty. Where is the first aid kit?”
“In that far cupboard to the right of the window.” Genie gestured with her head toward the cabinet.
“I’ll get it.” Becca pulled down the first aid kit and handed it to him, then took her coffee out back where Marcie and Cameron were sitting at an outdoor table. Her mother’s porcelain platter filled with muffins and Danishes sat next to a bowl of strawberries. Becca grabbed a berry and bit into it.
“How’s the birthday girl?” Cameron asked, smiling at her.
She tried to frown but lost herself in his smile for a long moment. He was a very handsome man.
His blue eyes twinkled as he scooted over and patted the bench.
She was doomed. “It’s just another day,” she grumbled, though it was getting harder and harder to keep saying that.
“No, it’s your special day. Never give up an opportunity to shine,” Marcie said, grabbing a cinnamon roll and pushing a small wrapped box toward her.
Becca’s lips twisted. “Did you read that in your daily affirmations? What’s this?”
“Hey, if anyone could use some positive thinking, it’s you,” Marcie said and took a big bite of the sweet roll. “It’s your birthday present.”
“I’m positive. I’m here, aren’t I.” That was a huge step for her. Marcie just had no idea.
“True enough.”
Becca rolled her eyes. Though she was no longer annoyed. “You weren’t supposed to get me anything.”