Page 5 of Becca's Trouble
“I know. Open it.”
Secretly pleased, Becca opened the box to find a small silver wolf pendant. “You shouldn’t have,” she said, but didn’t mean it. She loved it. She really did.
“I know.”
“Thank you. I love it.”
“I know, but don’t even think of hugging me.”
Becca laughed and hugged her. After so many birthdays celebrated alone, it actually felt good to have everyone here. She only wished their sister Cat was there too.
“Hey, y’all,” Jayne said as she and Chet came through the door holding hands. “Happy birthday, Becca.”
“Hey, thank you!”
“Glad you’re here,” Cameron said. “Where’s Genie? We need to call Cat.”
“We’re here.” Genie pushed open the door with Kyle following behind her carrying a tray of cupcakes with lit sparklers sparkling in each one.
“Wow, look at that!” Marcie said and jumped up as Kyle placed the tray on the table. “Everyone grab one.”
“Wait, let’s call Cat.” Genie took out her phone and FaceTimed their sister. Soon the triplets were all smiling at each other, and everyone was singing “Happy Birthday.”
“Oh, Cat, we wish you were here,” Genie said.
“Me, too. Soon. Tom has an assignment next week in South America so the kids and I are coming out for a visit.”
Genie clapped her hands together. “Great! We can’t wait.”
Becca grabbed a cupcake and removed the sparkler. “Is Tom going to stay out of trouble this time? Tell him I don’t want to have to fly out to who-knows-where and rescue his sorry butt again.”
“Trust me, he knows. He still hasn’t lived down having to be rescued by his wife and her sisters on his last assignment.”
Tom’s face appeared on the screen. “I heard that. I can say the same thing to you, Becca. If I recall, it wasn’t smooth sailing for you either?”
Becca grinned. “Is it ever? When are you going to quit the FBI and come join us? You know we have a lot more fun.”As a team.She almost said the words and bit them back.
“Yeah, there are lots of perks to working in the family business,” Genie added and kissed Kyle.
“Yeah, anytime,” Cameron added. “We’d love to have you both.”
“Though I don’t think Dad’s house is big enough,” Becca grumbled. “It’s getting a little bit cramped as it is.”
“Oh, please,” Marcie snapped. “You’re just mad because I hogged the TV last night.”
“If I have to see one more episode ofThe Bachelor…”
They all laughed, and Becca had to admit, she loved the idea of Cat and Tom and their kids joining them. Washington DC was way too far away.
Becca was suddenly distracted by a prickling sensation moving through her.
“We have to go. Love you,” Cat said and disconnected the line to the sounds of her kids calling her from the background. To think her family didn’t even know she and Genie existed a couple of years ago.
They’d been able to dismantle everything their father put in place and were cleaning up the rest of his messes by trying to contact the children from his former experiments. They were all grown up now, some doing better than others.
“Okay, now that birthday celebrations are over, we need to get down to business,” Cameron said, pulling out a file.
“You are altogether no fun,” Marcie grumbled, licking the frosting off her fingers.