Page 3 of The Treehouse Kiss
“Oh, crap,” she replied a little too loudly, causing a few heads to turn around, and a pink tinged blush appeared on her cheeks.
“Yep, we’re probably going to be a little late with traffic.” I chuckled, tucking the loose auburn strand of hair that'd fallen into her eye, not missing the buzzed sensation in my fingertips or the shy grin illuminating on her face.
“Then it makes sense,” she exclaimed tilting her head to the side.
Why is it every time that you're in a rush to get somewhere, there’s a delay at the airport? I thought a two-hour window would’ve been plenty of time, but it seemed it’s not, and we still had to change for this rehearsal. I mean, Mike had asked me to arrive earlier, but I told him I couldn't sort anything sooner — it was just to spend less time with others in truth. I knew the longer I spent there, the more information I would've learned about Savannah, and I was scared about what she had done with her life. The “what-ifs” and “maybes” that ran through my head are what kept me awake at night.
Finally, with all our bags in tow and loaded in a cab, I told the driver our destination as I watched the passing scenery out of the window. I glanced at Savannah, who tensed up the moment we neared the hotel.
“Are you okay?” I asked, causing her to jump halfway out of her seat. “Savannah?”
She turned toward me with her gloomy eyes, but nodded in acknowledgement. I knew something was wrong, but in five years, I realized so much could’ve happened. I didn't even know she’d left Tampa Bay to be honest, and that was huge, but I wouldn't press the issue. She had always had a huge fear of flying, so whatever had sent her away must have been massive. Savannah needed time to process things, before baring her feelings completely. It was always on her terms and times.
“If you need anything, you know I’m here, don't you?” I whispered, running my hand along her knuckles as she blinked rapidly, pushing the tears away. She shuffled closer to me, and I tucked her comfortable into my chest, taking in a whiff of her scent. Mm, raspberries and cherries. Like her traits, her smell hadn’t changed, either.
“Whatever it is, Savannah, I’m here now.”
The blurredscenery passed by quickly from the windows of the cab. Mike and my mum had decided to marry in Florida before a huge afterparty in Tampa Bay. At least, for now, I had time to put my thoughts in order. I just wished in some way, if I was going directly to Tampa Bay now, then I would have longer to refocus, maybe have a quick pep talk with Jackie, but unfortunately not.
Time ticked and as the cab slowed down, River kissed my cheek as if sensing my overgrowing panic by the minute.
"Savannah, remember what I said," he pleaded as the cab pulled up to a stand-still, and we looked outside to see Mike's arm wrapped around my mum, obviously pleased to see us both.
I tried to sit a moment longer as River got out, but I didn't get a chance when my mother opened the door.
"Savannah, you're here with River?" she questioned, helping me out as Mike ushered River away and tipped the cabbie generously, after unloading our bags for us.
"Yep, we got the same flight," I said hoping that would appease her for now. "We got delayed."
"Yep. I noticed on the tracker you had the same flight. I didn't know you were in touch."
"We haven't been," River replied, grabbing his cases and pulling them toward us, and gave my mother a kiss on the cheek.
"Just a coincidence," I said as I turned around for my belongings and noticed Mike give a slight nod toward me before making his way inside.
"Mike?" I questioned, tilting my head.
"Come on, go freshen up with your mother. River and I can hold everyone off for ten minutes longer, can't we?"Mike joked over his shoulder, grinning smugly.
"Sure can." River dazzled me with that smile and dimples that he certainly hadn't lost over the years.
* * *
"We’re already late for your own rehearsal. Mike can only delay them for so long before they get antsy," I said, hoping my mother would get the hint and stop with the inquisition. I thought she would be in more of a hurry, to be honest.
The moment I was pulled alone, she acted as if I was a teenager again, pleading with me not to leave it too long before visiting again, and inspecting if I was fine being here. It was a tiresome onslaught after such a long flight, but that never halted her firing. Out of everyone, my mother was one of the only people who had snippets of why I left so suddenly, but even that was kept to essential information, keeping the probing to a minimal level.
I brushed my auburn hair into a ponytail, wrapping a small, leafed broach into the top before changing into a pretty floral dress. My body was starting to get uncomfortable with the heat level, even with the air conditioning on. I saw my mother's reflection in the mirror, who looked like she had the weight of the world on her shoulders.
"Ready?" I asked, trying to keep my tone upbeat, hoping she couldn't see through any worries running rampant through my mind as I grabbed my key card and opened the door.