Page 4 of The Treehouse Kiss
She approached me with her eyes downcast, biting on her lip.
"It doesn't matter," she quipped, shaking her head before linking her arm into mine, hiding the nervousness I could see plastered across her features.
What wasn't she telling me?
There was nothing I could've done about it now while heading down the crisp, clean-cut corridors toward The Walkden Suite. I gazed at the beautiful hand-tiled mosaic ceilings of sun kissed, golden sands lining the entrance.
I noticed Mike’s smile that didn’t meet his eyes as he looked between us both from the raised flooring at the end of the hall. The focus was drawn to the pair of us, our bodies inching toward the room.
"Did you tell her?" he questioned my mother, as he pulled away to the side, unblocking the doorway.
I continued walking into the room, not wanting to intrude, hoping whatever it was on her mind, she would’ve shared with me if she felt the need to make me aware of. Until I heard the "No" that passed her lips, and my eyes met with the one person I hoped I would never see again. Liam Baxter, my ex.
Liam stood here and rubbed his jaw, leaning over the central dining chair as if counting down the moments of my arrival. It was all about the timing with him. My mouth dried up, knowing that he had me right where he wanted.
I spun around, hoping to make a quick exit, but bumped my head into a solid chest. Two strong arms held my waist upright to steady me, and I found myself gripping tightly to the lapels of this stranger’s shirt. When our eyes met, of course it had to be River, who then guided me forward into the room, leaving Mike and my mother shocked beyond words.
“Trust me,” he whispered as I took a huge breath, trying to calm not only my nerves at the imminent meeting about to happen, but from the spark that shot up my spine from his tender touch. “I’ve got you.”
I knewsomething was wrong the moment I saw Savannah scouring away and attempting to run back out of the room. It had to do with Liam Baxter standing at the far side of the room, eyeing up the situation as if she were a piece of meat on the cattle market. I didn’t know what overcame me, but I wasn't waiting for an explanation of what was going on, or allowing her to run from her own mother’s wedding rehearsal. I was taking control of the situation, whether she liked it or not — fuck the consequences.
I settled into her side, with my hand poised on her back, hoping she’d take my lead forward. Each step was forced as I felt the rigidity of her muscles tighten in her body before I slipped my arm around her waist and pulled her body into my side. I kept convincing myself along the way that my stomach only churned with dread because we were closing in on him. I refused to admit it had anything to do with the adverse touch of our bodies.
"Liam." I nodded in acknowledgement, gritting my teeth, not wanting to drag this meeting longer than needed to, whilst keeping her close to me.
"River. Savannah. Nice to see you.” He curled his lip at the edges and tilted his head in a disgusting way, before scanning her body from head to toe. "No hug?"
"I don't think that would be wise." I heard the snapped tone of Katherine's voice over my shoulder, aiming straight at Liam. "You're only here because ofher,"she flipped her head, pointing at Mike's niece, Lindsey. "Stay away from my daughter."
"I can't promise that she will stay away from me, Katherine," he sneered, and I turned on my heel to reach for Savannah’s hand just as she squeezed it tight in rhythmic motions.
"Come on," I said quietly in her ear, moving us away from the commotion.
The wideness of her green eyes, combined with her rapid breathing, showed me the adrenaline must have been wearing off. I tapped Mike on the shoulder near the doorway and made our apologies, diverting us from the crowded room, and hoped I was making the right decision. I don't think she would've appreciated the risk of Liam seeing her fall into a full-blown panic if she couldn't find the control.
The moment I stepped into the elevator with her, the audible sigh ran a shiver through my arms as I saw Savannah's head drop down, and heard the ragged sobs she was desperate to hold back.
"Deep breaths, Savannah. We’re almost there." I ran my hand along her back as the doors opened wide. I couldn't have missed the way her head shot up to face me and her eyes silently pleaded with me.
Throwing my arm over her shoulder, I took the key card Mike had given, and ran it between my knuckles. I couldn't help taking a beat, contemplating what the hell I was doing before making our way out of the elevator toward my room, opening the door, and leading her in.
My eyes took in the fresh, pale room, with minimal decoration, a real contrast to the artwork we had seen in the main room of The Walkden Suite. This was more my style in comparison to the grandeur we had left, but I couldn't care less if it was bright floral pansies aligning the wall at this moment. All I cared about was ensuring Savannah had the space to let go, with someone and somewhere she felt safe, without prying eyes.
I knew I was overstepping boundaries, but I still pulled her into my arms and swept the now loose tendrils of fine hair behind her ears as she finally broke down into the crook of my neck. My heart shattered at her plight, and I had to stop myself from beating the shit out of Liam for whatever he and Lindsey had done to her.
Savannah had always been the one in control, making the decisions and deciding what she wanted in life. What had happened to that girl? Was I to blame for this change in her? Should I have dealt with my own feelings rather than bottling them away back then?
I just knew the woman in front of me needed me, and no matter what, I wasn't going anywhere. Work can wait. I needed to put my life on hold because at this moment, only one thing mattered — Savannah.
I couldn't stopthe whirling thoughts spinning in my head as the strong hands massaged my back and kept me upright, so my legs wouldn't give way beneath me. Pulling away, I paced the length of the room before I finally sat down in the bucket seat in the corner, trying to focus my mind.