Page 86 of Problems
He clicked his tongue before he shoved my face to the side. I slowly lifted it once more and glared. Jun disappeared, but returned with a bottle of water. I watched as he cracked it open, relief flooding me when I heard that familiar sound that meant it hadn't been opened. They'd talked about drugging me, but I wasn't stupid. After we drove away from Cian I calmed down. It was better to be alert and kidnapped than out of it and vulnerable in the hands of these men.
Jun shoved the bottle into my mouth and let the water fall. It poured so quickly that I tried to gulp it down. Most of it splashed down my chin, some up my nose. I coughed as he took the bottle away while laughing at me. My heart clenched. It felt nothing like when Cian teased me.I'm going to kill you first.
"They were right when they said you were pathetic," Jun said, shaking his head at me. "Who knew Declan O'Briens son was such a little pussy?"
"What?" The man laughed. "What is he going to do? All he does is draw little pictures and fuck men. Nothing special at all."
I spit in his face. The resounding crack of his fist against my face temporarily made my ears ring. I shook my head, shaking it off as I turned to face him again.
"Wipe that look off your face, bitch," he growled. "Daddy's not coming to save you. We might be together for a really long time." He reached out, this time caressing my cheek. "I'm sure I could fill that sassy mouth with something big and hard."
"Enough, Jun." The man stepped into the doorway, his eyes narrowed. "One more time and I'm calling Qiang.”
"Calm down, Bo." He straightened up. "I'm just toying with the little pussy."
As they walked away, the door was closed and the light was turned off. I was cast back into the darkness of the supply closet. I listened for the sound of the lock, but it never engaged. They didn't think I was strong enough to get out. Just like everyone else, they underestimated me. I had underestimated myself too. Then I fell in love with three crazy as fuck men who I called Daddy. Nothing would stop me from getting back to them.
I tugged harder at the ropes while they talked outside. I yanked and pulled. The rope bit into my arm, burning my flesh. I pulled harder ignoring the pain while I concentrated on what was ahead of me; the men I loved. The ones that had all given me their hearts in some way. Men who would love and protect me until the end of time.
The first wrist ripped free and I quieted the yell that echoed in my throat. I frantically worked at the next knot, then the next one around my ankle. As the ropes fell away my heart started to race. I rubbed at my wrists, trying to get my circulation going as I forced my legs to move. My hands frantically moved along the shelves until I found what I was looking for. I'd spotted it the first time they left me in the room, a pipe that leaned against the shelving unit. I closed my eyes, took in a deep breath, and released it the way Ronan had taught me when I was worked up. Carefully I shifted to the left and felt something cool. I picked it up carefully.
I cringed at the slight clinking sound of the pipe as it dragged across the ground. When the sound of rushing footsteps didn't greet my ear I sighed. I weighed the pipe in my hand. Not too heavy, not too light. I'd be able to knock down a few of them and keep going. Carefully, I made my way to the door and gripped the knob. I positioned myself the way Cian taught me.
The moment I threw the door open, I stepped out. Shocked faces turned to stare at me. I took that moment of surprise and swung my pipe at the first person in sight. Bo, Jun's little friend. Or boss. Or whatever the hell he was. The pipe cracked against the side of his face. Blood splattered in my direction. I grinned.
"He got out!"
The chaos that ensued fueled me forward. I took another shot at Bo's head. it caved beneath the weight of the pipe as I lifted it and kept hitting until he stopped moving. Someone grabbed my waist. I fought and squirmed in his arms until he dropped me to the ground. As soon as I rolled away a foot landed where I'd just been. I grabbed the man's ankle, tugged and he slammed onto the ground.
"Fuck you," I growled.
I ducked as a bullet ripped through the air. A sharp, piercing pain sliced across my cheek. I felt the blood roll and drip down my flesh as I stared at Jun. The gun in his hand shook. I smiled at how pathetic he looked now that he was on the other end of fear.
"Who's the pussy now?" I asked.
"Take him down!"
I ran. Gunshots rang out after me, but I turned a corner and kept going. We were in some building. Through sets of doors I could make out what looked like a hanger. Two planes were inside, but it was dark. We were on the other side where a string of offices were. I glanced around.
What's the best way out of here?
"He's back here!"
I ducked into one of the offices and moved behind the door. I forced my breathing to calm as I stared straight ahead, waiting. The sound of footsteps rushing past would have made me relieved, if I didn't hear another set walking up to me. They took their time, pushing open the door as far as it could go until I was squished against it. I waited, my heart pounding in my ears until I jumped out and struck.
The pipe connected with a man's face. He crumbled before he even had the chance to scream. I kept hitting him until pieces of his brain showed through fragments of his skull. Panting, I flicked the pipe to disperse the viscera. I wiped a hand over my head to get rid of the sweat. My hand wrapped around the cool steel of his discarded gun. I picked it up and kept going.
Two down. A bunch of fuckers left to go.
I crouched as I exited the office. Cian's training and Finn's lecturing about being careful had helped apparently. That and the crazy ass blood that pumped through my veins. My father had passed on his genes in earnest. And my mother? She was no saint. It had taken work to be everything my father wanted me to be; upright, studious, calm. Now I could be myself and I had weeks of my Daddies training to back it up.
Hands wrapped around me. I grunted as I was slammed into the wall. The pipe fell from my hands, clattering to the floor.
"If you move I'll blow your brains out."
The hot, moist breath that snaked across my ear made me shudder. It was enough to make me want to vomit. I carefully sucked in a breath, but I stayed still.