Page 87 of Problems
"Not so tough without the pipe, huh?" He laughed against my ear. "Now we're going to beat the shit out of you while we wait for your father's call. Should have stayed where you were."
He yanked me away from the wall. I turned, a smile on my face as I squeezed the trigger of the gun. Now, that was the one thing I didn't need any help with. Maybe my father always knew I couldn't escape my fate. He'd taught me to use a gun since I was young.
I leveled the gun and shot the man in the head to add to the bleeding wound in his stomach. He dropped and I kept moving.
Keep moving.
Those words played in my head on a loop. I focused on them, making my way through the building as I fought to get outside. Once I was there I had no idea what I'd do, but it would be better than being in here. There was only one thing I had to do for sure before I got out; I wanted Jun. I kept the pipe by my side just so it would taste his skull and cave it in the way I'd done his friend.
I doubled back the way I came. There were too many of them prowling around near the hangar now. I had to find another way out before I ended up surrounded. The gun I had only held a few bullets now. I popped the magazine and counted them.Less than I thought.I would be fucked if they got the upper hand.
Besides, Cian would be pissed if I died here. It would be like his training for nothing. I imagined his smug face as he talked about how delicate I was. No way in hell could I die here. I'd never live it down.
Footsteps grew closer quickly drawing me back to the present. I raised the gun only to have it knocked out of my hands as a body plowed into me. I grunted and lashed out, kicking until my foot connected with someone's flesh. Jun glared at me.
"Come here you little bitch!"
I kicked at his face this time. My foot connected with it, but pain flared. I quickly grabbed my foot as Jun held his mouth.
"Shit," I muttered. "Just my luck that I'd kick you in the tooth and get hurt."
He spat out blood. "You're going to pay for that."
I rolled out of his way as he launched himself at me. As soon as I stood up, I ignored the searing pain in my foot and met him head on. My fist connected with his face. I took the punch to my stomach, tightening it to absorb the blow as much as possible. It still hurt like hell, but at least I was on my feet. As soon as Jun tried to step back, I elbowed him in the face. He took that time to spin and kick me in mine.
I laughed as blood dripped down my face. My fingers swiped through it before I rubbed them together. I glanced at Jun.
"You really think you can win?" He asked. "I've been at this longer than you've been alive. Trust me, the only thing that's going to happen is me pinning you to that floor and fucking you to within an inch of your life with my cock."
I rolled my eyes. "Trust me, I've had great dick. Yours couldn't even compare. I think I'll just cut it off instead."
"Try it."
The challenging glint in his eyes made me want to do it even more. I wanted to do unspeakable things to this asshole until he was nothing but a pool of blood, broken bones, and cut up flesh on the ground. I would devour him until there was nothing left. Not even my Daddies would be able to have a piece of him. When I told them all the vile things he'd said to me, I'd have to offer them myself instead. I was sure that was a better prize than getting to kill Jun. They should like that.
Jun raced for me. I let him. As soon as he was close, I ducked and drove my fist into his crotch. Screw fighting fair. I wanted to get out of there alive.
A door flew open and both Jun and I's head whipped in that direction.
My heart raced as Cian rushed through the door. He looked at me, smiling and covered in blood as soon as our eyes met. I sighed with relief.
He's okay. Thank you!
I didn't know who I was grateful to, but I was. Seeing Cian lying on the ground like that had conjured up all of my worst fears. But he was alive. Alive and as insane as ever.
The fist to my left cheek jogged my memory about where I was. I heard Cian shout my name. The room was flooding with the men who'd run out. We didn't have time to stop and stare, now was the time to fight so we could get home.
"Focus on you!" I shouted.
I launched myself at Jun. My fist crashed into his face as we both fell to the ground. I didn't stop.
Now that my daddies were here, I was more determined than ever to go home with the men I loved.
The pain was welcomed.I took every blow that came my way. I didn't bother to block; I didn't even focus on the man before me. My eyes were glued to Jack.Holy shit he's doing it.I whooped as Jack head-butted the big fuck trying to take him down. My boy didn't let up either. Jack followed through with a swing of the pipe that was covered in blood.Just how many fuckers has he taken on?