Page 123 of Fierce: Sawyer
He snorted. “No reason to have doubts. You’ve said before you’re a straightforward person and say what is on your mind. You haven’t said this so I got thinking I was alone.”
“You’re not,” she said. “Never think that.”
“I can’t tell you how relieved I am right now,” he said, laughing.
“Me too. See. One good thing came out of going back to your grandparents. We got that out in the open.”
“We did,” he said. And maybe now things could continue to move forward.
A Private Person
“When are you coming to dinner again?” James asked Sawyer a month later. It was Friday and they were on their way to the lab where Faith worked to get a copy of a report on a cold case that required some extra tests done.
“We were there two weeks ago,” he said.
“Yeah, and Sondra loves Faith. She wants to have her over again.”
He was glad to hear that. That things were going great between Faith and him and that his partner and best friend loved the woman he’d fallen in love with.
“I’ll talk to Faith about it. We’ve got the Fierce July Fourth party tomorrow,” he said. “Not sure what more we’ve got going on.”
He knew Faith wasn’t always big on going to parties and getting together, but she did seem to have a good time with James and Sondra.
“That’s a big one I hear,” James said. “The party?”
“Yeah,” he said. “My grandparents have gone to it for years. There is a small party of immediate family first for Cameron and Regan’s birthday. Guess Gavin’s one brother and wife are coming down with their kids as one of those grandkids has a birthday the day before or after the twins. It’s too hard for me to keep track of Faith’s side of the family let alone Gavin’s which isn’t a relation to her.”
“I don’t blame you,” James said. “That's a lot to deal with. More so when they are on your back saying they set you up.”
He snorted. “We know the truth to that, but we haven’t said anything to anyone other than Faith’s parents and brother and his wife. They will keep it quiet.”
“Do you think it will come out at some point?” James asked.
He shrugged. “Not sure it matters one way or another, but I’ll let Faith decide that.”
They parked in the parking garage and got out. “Does Faith know you’re coming in today?”
“I mentioned it. She had no idea about the testing that was done a month ago.”
“I thought you talked to her about your cases. You know, to get some advice.”
“Asshole,” he said. “I don’t need advice. But I will admit she makes me look at things better. You could learn a thing or two from it too.”
They stopped talking once they were in the building, went to the floor that Faith’s lab was in and were greeted at the desk.
“Can I help you?”
“Detectives Ingle and Brennan here to pick up a report,” James said.
The woman looked at her computer. “I’ll go back and get it for you. I’ll have to sign for it.”
“No problem,” James said. “This guy would like to see Faith O’Malley too while you’re at it.”
Sawyer wasn’t going to bug Faith. He said he’d text but decided that James was just running his mouth too much and he wasn’t in the mood to listen to it.
The woman stopped getting ready to walk away and turned back. “Are you the guy she is dating? She hasn’t told anyone much about it.”