Page 124 of Fierce: Sawyer
He wasn’t surprised. Faith was a private person.
“Yeah,” he said. No reason to say much more.
“Then come back with me. I’ll bring you to the lab. Well, not in the lab, but outside it and we’ll get her attention.”
It would be interesting to see her at work.
The woman walked through a few doors swiping her badge, then she stopped outside glass windows and he could see into the lab.
There was a lot of equipment everywhere and he had no clue what any of it did other than some high-tech microscopes.
Faith had a white lab coat on, goggles on her face and her hair pulled back. There were gloves on her hands too.
Some guy was working next to her, then stopped and moved closer. The guy was watching her without Faith knowing or she didn't want to stop what she was doing.
Then they were talking and she looked up and smiled at him. The guy moved closer, close enough to be touching Faith, their shoulders rubbing. Faith moved over a little and the guy looked into the microscope, then put his hand on Faith’s shoulder.
She turned and smiled again, then grabbed his arm and pulled him to the one he was looking at prior all excited, looked in that one and the guy did the same.
He’d never seen her like that before. She put her hand up to give him a high five or something, but the guy hugged her instead and she laughed again.
This didn’t look like normal coworkers to him and he felt his face flush and his jaw set.
The woman that went to get the report for him opened the door and started to talk. He couldn’t hear anything, but Faith looked up and saw him standing in the window, waved and took her goggles and gloves off.
She didn’t have the same smile on her face that she had for her coworker, but she did walk out and then grabbed his arm and pulled him away down another hall and into what he assumed was her office.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were here?” she asked. “You told me you were going to text.”
He didn’t like that. Not that it was the first thing out of her mouth. As if she knew she got caught or something.
“I didn’t think it was that big of a deal,” he said. “I wasn’t going to bother you, but James is the one who asked the woman to bring me back. Looks like you’ve got things going on you don’t want me to see anyway.”
“What?” she asked. “What are you talking about?”
“The guy in there. Your coworker. Looked a little cozy to me.”
She laughed at him. “Are you kidding? Lonnie?”
“That’s his name?” It was the first he’d heard the name. He’d heard of some of the women’s names before but never a man's.
“Yes,” she said. “He’s a lab tech. We were working on a project and he needed help. I was helping him and he got excited over it.”
“So I saw,” he said.
Her face flushed and in his mind that was guilt and embarrassment. “I don’t know what you think you saw.”
“I know enough,” he said. “And I need to go.”
“You think you can come in here and do this to me at my job?” she hissed. “Make accusations on something you saw yet didn’t hear a word?”
“I know what I saw,” he said. “I’m not an idiot.”
“You’re sure the hell acting like one,” she said quietly. “I’m not getting into this with you here. We can talk about it tonight. That is if you trust me enough to come over and let me explain what was going on.”
He wanted to say no, that he knew what he knew, but the problem was, as angry as he was, he was equally hurt.
Something he hadn’t felt in years and it was threatening to choke him.