Page 125 of Fierce: Sawyer
“Fine,” he said. “I’ll be there when I get there.”
He turned and left.
* * *
“Fred,”Faith said later that night. “You better behave and stick to my side. I’m not in the mood to have your loyalty tested.”
Fred tilted his head at her. Her dog knew she was cranky.
How dare Sawyer show up and witness half a scenario and then make it look as if she was the guilty party? She’d done nothing wrong and she was going to damn well make sure he knew that.
She figured he’d be here by five thirty, but that time came and went.
It was almost an hour later he finally showed up and hadn’t even texted to say he was running late. Which wasn’t like him at all.
“Sit down,” she said the minute he came in the door.
He lifted an eyebrow at her.
“What’s your reason to be ticked off? I’m the one who saw some other guy getting cozy with you.”
“I figured that is what the bug in your ass was about,” she said. “You’ve got trust factors. We know it. It hasn’t come up once and now the first time you see something that doesn’t seem right you jump to conclusions. I find that funny for a guy whose career relies on younotdoing that.”
“This has nothing to do with my job.”
She wanted to growl at him. “Don’t pull that on me. You can’t separate the two and you know it. It’s why you went into this field. So that you had some control over things. That you didn’t react without the facts. You know, like your father did that one night.”
“Don’t even go there,” he said. “My father knew what he was looking at. He reacted because he’d been through it enough in his life. There was no misunderstanding my mother naked in bed with someone else.”
“That’s right,” she said. “You didn’t see that with me and you never would. I’m hurt you’d even think that and it shows what little faith you’ve got in me and our relationship. You walked into my place of employment where you know I’m private. I’ve told you more than once the women I work with are petty. Lonnie is not my type and never has been.”
“Yet you are his type.”
She threw her hands up. “I’m not going to lie and say that some of the women haven’t said before that he has a crush on me. I’ve never ever led him to believe we are anything other than colleagues. We’ve worked together for three years.”
“Does he know you’re seeing me?” he asked.
“I don’t know,” she said. “It hasn’t come up. And don’t think I’m hiding it because I’m not. There are people there that know I’m dating you. But I don’t share much more. Did you tell Rachel at the front desk you were my boyfriend?”
“No,” he said. “James said I wanted to see you and she asked if I was the guy you were dating.”
She crossed her arms. “See. So it’s not a secret. And why did you need your partner to ask to see me?”
“I wasn’t going to bug you,” he said. “Nothing more than that.”
She wasn’t going to argue with him. It’s something he would do. But there was more going on here and she needed to get to the bottom of it.
“Tell me what is really going on, Sawyer. If you don’t trust me then what we have is worthless.”
“I trust you,” he said.
“Really? Because you’re giving a shitty impression of it.”
“It was a knee jerk reaction, that’s it. Nothing more.”
“I don’t believe it. And right now it’s more about me believing you than anything else.”
He started to pace around, Fred staying still. At least her dog could be relied on to stick to her side when it came down to it.