Page 5 of Fierce: Sawyer
“I’m fine,” she said. “Nothing some rubbing alcohol and ointment won’t take care of. Some aspirin for my bruised pride.”
“Are you sure?” he asked again.
“I’m sure,” she said.
The officer took off with the mugger and she walked with the hot-looking guy back to his vehicle with Fred. The woman whose purse had been stolen was told where to go.
“Will he ride in the back okay?” he asked.
“Yeah,” she said, opening the backdoor of the black SUV and noticing some food wrappers in there. Fred was going to have a field day.
She got in the front with Brennan, told him where she lived and then turned her head when Fred had an empty drink cup stuck on his snout. The slurping noises were her dog’s tongue trying to get something out.
“Crap,” the guy said, turning and pulling the cup off her dog. “Sorry about that.”
“No problem. Just hope it wasn’t old dairy. I don’t want to clean that mess up.”
“No,” he said. “Probably black coffee or a soda. Never anything more than that.”
She held her tongue over the fact there were more wrappers in the front seat she had to move aside too.
“I’m the third building on the right, the end unit.”
He pulled in front of her townhouse, she and Fred got out, Brennan following her. “I’ll bring you back to the station with me,” he said.
“I can find it on my own,” she said. “Then you’d have to bring me back again. Don’t worry, I won’t skip out.”
He hesitated a second. “I didn’t think that, but now I do. I’ve got to make sure I get the collar for this one.”
He was laughing and since this was more excitement than she’d had in a long time, she figured why not?
“Okay, come on in,” she said, and he followed her into the house. “I’ll be back in a few minutes. If you want something to drink or whatever, the kitchen is down the hall. Just help yourself. Fred won’t stop you.”
Faith ran up the steps, laughing, knowing Fred wouldn’t leave Brennan alone in her place.
She undressed quickly, washed up her hands and knees, bit back another few curses when she put the rubbing alcohol on them and then applied the ointment to her knees with some Band-Aids.
She did the same with her hands and just hoped the bandages stayed on enough for the ointment to not ruin her shirt if it transferred.
She ran back downstairs, went into the kitchen and saw Brennan with a bottle of water in his hand and a cookie from a jar.
“Damn,” he said. “These are out of this world.”
“Thank my brother,” she said. “He’s a chef and likes to bake. I saw him yesterday and he gave me a box of cookies to take home.”
Her older brother did love to spoil her. She’d run over to talk to him about an idea for Christmas for their parents. Liam and his wife, Margo, were such a perfect fit for each other. Their wedding less than two months ago was just another event where she had to listen to her aunt going on and on about her being the only one single.
Even her cousin Ivan had a girlfriend. A serious one, and her aunt was driving everyone nuts trying to find out when Ivan would get engaged to Kendra. She hoped it was a long time so that the attention would still stay off of her.
“Hope it was okay to take one.” Fred barked and Brennan grinned. “Fine. Two. What a snitch.”
She started to laugh. Fred had never behaved like this before with a stranger.
“It’s fine. I can’t eat them all anyway. Do you need to change or anything before we go?”
“No,” he said. “I didn’t get as dirty as you. Your dog did all the work.”
“He’s a good boy,” she said to Fred, getting down on her knees and putting her face next to her beloved companion. She got some licks on the cheek as a reward and turned to see if the hot guy in her kitchen would think it was gross. He was too busy putting his hand back in her cookie jar for another triple chocolate cookie.