Page 6 of Fierce: Sawyer
She supposed he deserved it.
She gave Fred a biscuit the size of her palm, Brennan reaching in and doing the same, and then they left to go to the police station.
It felt odd for some reason without her dog with her. Quiet too.
“What’s your name?” he asked.
She tried not to giggle over the fact this all happened and he didn’t even know her name. “Faith O’Malley,” she said. That was it. Nothing more. No more conversation.
It didn’t take long to get to the station, Brennan parking and them getting out together.
She was brought to where she needed to go and got to listen to all the men laughing and congratulating him on a good catch for his day off.
There was tongue-in-cheek in it for sure.
“I’ll be back,” he said and left her with another officer.
“That Sawyer, he’s a lucky dog,” the officer said.
“Sawyer?” she asked.
“Sawyer Brennan,” the officer said. “Detective Brennan. The man you just came in with. I said he’s a lucky dog, but the truth is, I’m hearing it’s your dog that gets the collar for the day.”
Faith laughed, then thought to herself, what an idiot thinking his name was Brennan. Good thing she didn’t address him as that, or she’d look like even more of a fool.
Dealt In Facts
“What the fuck, dude?” his partner, James Ingle, said to him.
Sawyer shook his head. “What are you doing here?” he asked. “It’s our day off.”
“No,” James said. “You’re still on vacation until Monday. Nice beard. Haven’t shaved once, huh? I have to catch up on paperwork and was getting it done when I didn’t have to listen to your chatter.”
He laughed. He wasn’t that much of a talker. At least not like James who was the talker between the two of them.
Sawyer could sit in the car during a stakeout and read a book or stare off into space if he had to.
Not James. He had to be doing something at all times. Eating, drinking, talking, listening to music. Otherwise he said he’d fall asleep.
There were times he’d told his buddy that was seven years older than him to take a nap just so he could get the peace and quiet in the car.
“No reason to listen to it now either,” he said, opening his desk drawer and finding some aspirin. He should have asked for it at Faith’s and probably would have if she took it in front of him.
Instead he helped himself to her cookies without thought.
No, not true. He did think and wondered if Fred would have bitten his hand off for going into his owner’s cookie jar.
The dog was big and mean enough, but he didn’t have a problem with him. As Faith said, Fred liked him now.
“I can’t believe you,” James said. “Even on your days off, you can’t sleep in or relax. Got to go for a run and then do the right thing.”
“You would have too,” he said.
“I wouldn’t have been out running,” James said.
At forty, James Ingle was probably twenty pounds overweight, but he held his own when they had to give chase at times. It’s just Sawyer was the one most likely to do it while James followed in the car.