Page 95 of Fierce: Sawyer
“I’ll take another beer,” Sawyer said.
“I’ll just have water and lemon,” she said. “You can drink and I’ll drive back if you want.”
“I’ll just have one more,” he said, “but thanks.”
They did that often. He never wanted to be behind the wheel after more than one beer. He said he’d worked too hard to risk his career.
She knew it went back to what happened with his father years ago. Making a rash decision to chase after someone and losing control of his vehicle, then crashing.
Sawyer had told her there’d been a time when he worried his father wouldn’t have a job. That he wouldn’t be able to drive a big rig again. It never came about, but she knew that had to be hard on a kid to have that fear along with so many other ones.
They listened to the specials, then Tracy left to get their drinks and they looked at the menu. She’d just decided what she was going to have when she looked up to see Liam walking toward her.
“Heads up to meet my brother.”
Sawyer turned his head and Liam stopped over. Her brother was about the same height as Sawyer at a little over six feet. Liam wasn’t as big though. Not that he was skinny, as her brother worked out so he didn’t gain weight with the food he cooked, but Sawyer had a bigger frame and more muscle on him.
“Faith,” Liam said. “Surprise. Brody just came back to tell me.”
“What a snitch,” she said. “Liam, this is Sawyer Brennan. I’m sure you know about him and everything else?”
She was positive her mother filled Liam in on how long she’d been dating Sawyer and how they’d actually met.
“Nice to meet you,” Sawyer said to her brother.
“The same,” Liam said. “And I do know. Don’t worry, Aunt Jolene won’t hear it from my lips. But anyone that Fred has taken a liking to can’t be too bad.”
“Fred loves Sawyer,” she said.
“So I’ve been hearing. And I need to get back, but I wanted to rush out quickly. Margo will come out at some point. Aiden will too. I’m sure Brody let him know, but even if he didn’t, Aiden normally comes out and makes the rounds.”
She’d heard her cousin did that in his restaurant to check in and talk to the patrons. “It’s early yet and I’m sure he’s busy.”
“He’ll be out before you leave,” Liam said. “And if luck is on your side, then that is the only other family member you talk to tonight.”
“That is what I’m hoping.”
Twenty minutes later, their meals had been delivered to them and they dug in. Her cousin was a wiz in the kitchen and the Lobster Thermidor was exactly what she knew she was having when she saw it was French cuisine tonight.
Sawyer got some kind of steak with a sauce on it that smelled wonderful to her.
“Do you think Fred can have this if we take the sauce off?”
She laughed. “Don’t worry about Fred. Eat your steak. It’s not that big.”
“I know,” he said, grinning. “But I’m so used to bringing him something home.”
She really couldn’t imagine finding a greater guy. She just had to make sure her aunt didn’t find out this soon. She already knew she was never going to hear the end of it.
* * *
“Where are they?”Jolene asked Aiden as she rushed into the kitchen.
She knew she was going to get yelled at over this. The kitchen was a busy place on a Saturday night and it was no different now.
Aiden looked up and frowned at her. “Where are who?”
“Don’t play with me,” she said, moving out of the way. “I gave birth to you and know when you’re hiding something.”