Page 96 of Fierce: Sawyer
Aiden laughed this time. “I try to never hide anything from you anymore. I like my house the way it is.”
“Did you ever get the toys put back the way you liked them?” she asked.
Her son was cooking just as fast before she’d shown up, she was sure.
“No,” he said. “And the worst part was dealing with my wife over that. But Anthony likes them that way and Nic gives into her kids.”
“I gave into you guys all the time.”
“Bull crap,” he said. “And my brothers and sister will agree.”
“I know you’re busy. I just wanted to see Faith and Sawyer. Where are they?”
“I imagine they are gone now,” he said.
She stomped her foot in frustration. She knew that might have happened.
She’d gotten the text from Marci that Sean had texted her to say that Sawyer had mentioned he was going to dinner tonight with Faith when Marci was checking in.
On a hunch Jolene decided to check the cameras. She knew Faith was a creature of habit and almost always had dinner by six.
The problem was, she didn’t get the text until six-twenty and then by the time she found them on the camera and jumped in the car and drove the fifteen minutes here, parked and came in, it seemed as if she’d missed them.
Damn her son for being so fast at turning over tables.
“Did you go out and talk to them?” she asked.
“No more than I do anyone else that is family and here. I went to say hi and see if their dinner was fine. It’s not that I don’t know who Sawyer is,” Aiden said.
“I know,” she said. “How do they look together?”
“I don’t know,” he said, moving the food around on the grill. “They look like a couple having dinner. And I’m a little busy right now. Go bug Brody. I’m sure he talked to them more than me.”
“You’re right,” she said and started to leave the kitchen, then stopped, “Can you put in an order of crepes for me to take home since I’m here?”
“Sure, Mom,” Aiden said, laughing. She saw him turn to someone and that person go to where the desserts were prepared. She should get something out of running here tonight.
“Mom,” Brody said. “Why am I not surprised? Cade said you were a witch and I believe him now.”
“Witch powers,” she corrected. “Not a witch.”
Brody grinned. “If you say so. But my guess is you missed the couple you were looking to find.”
“They are gone,” she said.
“How did you even know? Don’t tell me that life is so boring that you’ve got to look at the cameras here all night. Because if you need some entertainment you can take Evan any time you want.”
“I love having Evan at the house. He’s so much like you. And when he and Cameron are together, it’s like you and Cade. It brings back memories. I think I need the boys again for a night.”
“I’m sure my brothers would enjoy unloading their sons with you. Nic could have a night to herself if you had Anthony and Joseph while Aiden worked.”
Brody was working while he talked too. Her kids were such hard workers and here she was bugging them.
Nope. She wasn’t bugging them. She was doing what was her job in her mind now.
Her matchmaking during retirement.
“I’m sure they will. And before I leave and go get my dessert from Aiden, what did Faith and Sawyer have to say?”