Page 8 of Dearest Protector
The entire scene on the patio had been brief, but it was a short period of time I really wanted to forget.
Ben Blackwood was perfect. Gorgeous. Educated. Classy. Confident.
Everything I…wasn’t.
It was horrifying to me that he’d needed to come to my rescue because my boss was manhandling me like I was his property.
Most intelligent women would have dumped the job I’d hated a long time ago, and I was doubtful they would have put up with Leland’s crap for more than a day or two.
Hopefully, I’d have my shit more together if Ben Blackwood and I ever met again.
And honestly, wewouldprobably bump into each other in the future.
My best friend was in love with Ben’s older brother, and judging by the way Ian and Katie looked at each other, that relationship wasn’t going to end anytime soon.
The two of them were already exclusive and living together in Ian’s waterfront mansion on Sanibel Island.
Ian and Katie hadlifelong commitmentwritten all over their faces, which meant that Ben and I woulddefinitelymeet again in the future.
Katie snorted. “If Ben asked you to call, then he’s expecting your call. Do you really think he’s just going to forget what happened? He’s not like that, Ariel. He could have blown me off. I was a stepsister he’d never met, but he treated me like a real sister almost immediately. He has an overactive sense of responsibility. He won’t just forget what happened last night just because he’s ridiculously busy.”
Hell, I hoped she was wrong.
The fact that Ben apparentlyhadn’ttold Ian or Katie about the incident yet was actually encouraging to me. I was more optimistic now about him possibly forgetting everything, despite what Katie had just said.
“He’s not going to forget, so you need to give up on that idea. The man has the memory of an elephant sometimes,” Katie said like she had just read my mind. “Let him help you, Ariel. Please. Or let me help you. I know how hard it was to lose your ballet career. You can do so much better than that awful job with Leland Brock. You deserve so much better than that. You’re also never going to be happy in an office job, even if you find one that pays more. You’re gifted creatively, Ariel. You need a new career that you can put your soul into.”
I wasn’t so sure that I hadn’t lost my soul months ago, after I was told by my doctor that I could no longer dance. Suddenly, everything I’d lived for my entire life was just…gone. I wasn’t even sure who I was anymore. My whole identity had revolved around dancing. Honestly, I felt worthless and lost without it.
“Right now,” I said bluntly. “I just needanythingthat will pay my rent.”
“I’ll pay your rent,” she insisted. “And for anything else you need until you’re back on your feet again. I’m making a damn good salary at Blackwood now, and I’m living with a billionaire who has more money than God. Ian never lets me pay for anything. Look, I know you always tell me that you’re doing okay, but I don’t think you are. This apartment is in one of the worst neighborhoods in Fort Myers. It’s really not safe, but I assume it’s all you can afford. You’re also getting ridiculously skinny. I’d love to give you some of my extra pounds right now. I know you watched your diet religiously and stayed slender to dance, but you’re beyond what’s healthy at the moment.”
I averted my gaze from her pleading eyes.
I had no idea what to tell my best friend, and her comment about herextra poundswas completely ridiculous.
Katie had always been critical about her own physical appearance. She was gorgeous, dark-haired, and she had amazing chocolate-brown eyes. She was more toward the curvy side, but everything about her physical appearance seemed to suit Ian Blackwood just fine.
And yes, she was making good moneynow, but we both knew what it meant to be incredibly poor.
She’d just gotten back on her feet financially.
Katie needed to put her paycheck away, not loan it to me.
“I’m tight, and things have been a struggle,” I admitted truthfully. “I do skimp on healthy food sometimes, but I’ll find a job, Katie. I’m not taking your money. It’s not necessary.”
I had to learn to stand on my own two feetwithoutmy dancing career.
I’d done nothing but scramble financially since my accident.
I appreciated the fact that Katie would always be there for me emotionally, but neither of us had ever relied on each other to survive monetarily.
I needed apermanentsolution to my financial state.
I was so damn tired of living hand to mouth because I had no job skills that meant anything in the real world.
“God, you’re so stubborn sometimes. If you won’t let me help you, then talk toBen,” she urged. “You could get something temporary at Blackwood until you figure out what you really want. Even a temporary position at Blackwood would pay more than your idiot boss paid you for being at his beck and call twenty-four seven. Ben would never offer if he couldn’t or didn’t want to deliver. I’m not surprised that he offered to help. He’s a sweetheart, even though he tries to hide it underneath that businesslike, calm façade of his.”