Page 32 of Straight Fire
Several things happened to me. I was taken aback by his choice of words. My nipples got hard, and I had to press my legs together to ease the throb caused by Gage Presley referring to the area between my legs as ahot little pussy. Oh my God, what was wrong with me? I didn’t respond this way—ever.
He was staring at my legs and breathing heavily. If he didn’t stop, I was going to need a time-out—alone.
“You’re pressing your thighs together.” He sounded angry.
I said nothing. I wasn’t about to explain that one.
He lifted his eyes to mine. “Are you wet?”
I swallowed and stared at him. He was asking me about that? Wow, yeah, not answering him.
“Shiloh!” He raised his voice, and I jumped. “Are you fucking wet?” he growled.
I closed my eyes tightly so I didn’t have to look at him. “Why are you asking me that?”
“You’re pressing your thighs together. You do that when you’re wet and horny.”
Another thing he knew about me. Which meant … which meant we had done things. If I had left at nineteen, he’d have been twenty-four—my age now—when we might have done things. I opened my eyes to stare at him. Had we done sexual things when I was that young?
“I left here at nineteen,” I said, my voice sounding as if I’d just run a mile. “You would have been my age now.”
His grin looked evil, and because I was messed up in the head, it was also sexy. “Trust me, I know when you fucking left.”
That hadn’t answered my question.
“You need to go,” he said, looking like he would strangle me if he could.
I stood up to leave the room.
“Take your shit. Go home,” he barked.
I picked up my bag, then looked back at him. I wanted to ask him what about my question had made him angry. The fury in his expression stopped me from saying another word. I hurried out of the room. Uncle Neil wouldn’t be here for a few more hours. I wasn’t going to explain that to Gage though. I went downstairs and walked toward the kitchen with my phone in my hand. I’d text Uncle Neil and see if he could come now.
Levi was standing at the fridge when I walked in the kitchen, and Kye was at the table, looking down at his phone.
“You leaving?” Levi asked, looking at the bag on my arm.
“Yes. He told me to go home.”
Levi frowned and looked at the time. “It’s only three.”
I nodded. I was aware of that.
“He give you a reason?” Levi asked me.
I pressed my lips together and tried to decide how to word this. Levi stood there, waiting on me to say something. I wished he’d just ask Gage himself.
“Uh, well, I think a conversation we were having went in a direction that made him angry.”
Levi closed the fridge and cocked an eyebrow. “What was the conversation?”
I tucked some hair behind my ear. “It, uh, well, you see, he said some things about, uh, that guys can’t be friends with girls like me and that my friend Wilder is secretly attracted to me. It just got out of hand, is all.”
Levi smirked and shook his head. “He’s not wrong, but that’s not shit he needs to discuss with you.”
I didn’t respond to that. Instead, I held up my phone. “Is it okay if I text Uncle Neil to see if he can come get me early?”
Levi nodded his head toward the door. “I’ll take you home,” he said. “Kye, let’s go.”