Page 33 of Straight Fire
Kye stood up and waited on me to follow Levi as he started to walk toward the other kitchen door. I didn’t argue because he wasn’t waiting on a response from me. I figured it was pointless. We walked through the living room and to another door leading into the garage.
Levi pulled out his phone as he walked toward a black sedan. “Yeah, check in on Gage. He sent Shiloh home, so I’m giving her a ride. Kye is with me.” He paused. “You ask him.” He ended the call.
I noticed the Mercedes symbol on the front of the car as the lights flashed on it and the doors unlocked.
“Let’s go,” he said to me as he opened the driver’s door.
The thought that this could be the last time I saw Gage occurred to me, and it didn’t feel good.
The brunette Levi had brought home last night was draped over him on the sofa while they slept. Both of them were naked.
She’d sucked my dick and straddled me on the bed so that she could sink down on me without putting pressure on my ribs or chest. Then, I watched her and Levi fuck for over an hour. It had been a good distraction, but when I was coming, it wasn’t the brunette I had thought about.
When Carmichael had called last night to tell me the replacement nurse would arrive today, I’d agreed because I knew, for my sanity, Shiloh had to go. That hadn’t kept me from throwing the remote across the room when I hung up or the fact that it fucking physically hurt to think I wouldn’t see her again. Sitting in that damn chair. Fixing my pillow and torturing me with her scent.
I ran a hand through my hair and glared at the ceiling. Not even a fucking week, and she had me screwed up. Why? What was it with this one woman? It didn’t help that she was different now. Especially since all the shit that had changed was the stuff that had led to our destruction. Gone was the spoiled princess with a cruel streak. She was now fucking perfect. Fate was a bitch.
“Mmm,” the female whose name I could not remember moaned and stretched on top of Levi.
He reached up and grabbed a handful of her ass. Not even the sight of an available pussy put me in a good mood.
“Morning,” Levi said sleepily. “Gonna ride my dick before we get up?”
She laughed and reached over to take a condom from the floor. Tearing it open with her teeth, she rolled it down on his morning wood like a pro, then shifted to sit on top of him.
“AH!” she cried out as he filled her.
I watched her bounce on him as he grabbed her waist and began slamming into her hard. She screamed and moaned while her fake tits barely moved. I laid my head back and closed my eyes, letting them finish. It wasn’t doing anything for me.
She shouted that she was coming, as if we couldn’t tell. Levi groaned as he got his nut, and then I heard him slap her ass.
“All right, sugar, get on up. I got shit to do.”
There was a good chance the new nurse would arrive with them both naked in here while used, tied-off condoms littered the floor still. That should make her feel comfortable.
“What about you?” the brunette purred as she ran a hand under the blankets.
I started to tell herno thanks, but I reconsidered. Thinking about Shiloh while the brunette had sucked me off made for a fucking good orgasm last night.
The door opened.
“New nurse is here. Get dressed and pick up the fucking condoms,” Huck said.
“I was gonna let her suck my dick before she left,” I told him.
He shook his head at me. “You’ll fucking scare off the new nurse. Carmichael is with her. He’s got other people to see.”
Then, Shiloh would have to come back. I didn’t let that thought take root. I shoved that shit out of the way. Having her here was going to be my downfall. I couldn’t do that again.
Levi started picking up the used condoms as the brunette put her clothes on. I glanced at the empty chair, not liking the idea that someone else was going to sit there. I hadn’t even been able to let the brunette sit in it last night. Another thing that told me I was doing the right thing by not having Shiloh come back.
Levi left the room, still naked, carrying his clothes, while the brunette followed him. I glanced at my phone and thought about texting Shiloh. I had almost done it last night while I was getting my cock sucked. This morning, it was a little more tempting. Especially since I wouldn’t see her today. I wanted to have some contact.
Fucking weak. I glared at my phone and my damn lack of self-control.