Page 40 of Straight Fire
“No, that’s not all. I was the first dick to sink into that tight pink pussy. It was my dick you came on the first time. So fucking sweet. That night still tortures me.”
My orgasm hit me, and I cried out, sloshing water over the side of the tub as I jerked against my hand.
“Still sounds as fucking sweet,” he breathed into the phone.
I gasped and lay there, staring at the ceiling, not believing I’d just done that.
“Good night, sweet baby.”
Then, the call ended.
I laid the phone down and closed my eyes.
I had given my virginity to a guy five years older than me? One who was dangerous?
I covered my face with my hand. Former me had been crazy. But I couldn’t blame her for it. That man could make a nun act stupid.
Getting my cast cut down to below my knee made things a hell of a lot easier. Finally getting to come downstairs again was one step closer to getting my life back. Doreen wasn’t needed anymore, and today, I was free of her bossing me around.
Several of the guys had money riding on the basketball game that was on the flat screen, and Destiny had been keeping my whiskey glass full.
Fucking pissed me off that none of this put me in a good mood. Levi had already said something about my foul mood. I’d told him to fuck off, and he’d laughed like it was hilarious. Asshole. He’d left to go get food. Huck and Trinity were out of town, so we had no one cooking for us.
Destiny ran her nails through my hair, and I fought the urge to shove her away from me. She didn’t deserve my shitty attitude. Fuck knew she had put up with a lot from me, yet never bitched about it. She never pushed for more or sulked. That was the kind of easy a man needed.
I tipped my glass back and took a long drink. The fact that I’d fucking listened to Shiloh get herself off on the phone three nights ago was still driving me crazy. I had purposely not texted her again. She was dangerous. I’d been a fucking idiot, thinking I could be near her or even have contact with her and not get pulled in. Wondering what the fuck she was doing on a Friday night made me tense. The itch to get my phone, go outside, and call her was clawing at me.
Why couldn’t I just be happy with Destiny? There was no threat there. She wouldn’t mess up my head. There would be no fucking crazed monster emerging when she flirted with another man. No possessiveness. It would be worry-free. Drama-fucking-free.
Destiny reached down and ran her hand over my shoulder and traced patterns on my arm. I wasn’t sure when she’d picked one of us, but it was clear she had. Levi hadn’t even been on her radar the past few times she came over. It had been all me. Not that Levi cared. He wasn’t territorial either. Never had been.
“You need anything?” Destiny purred in my ear.
Yeah, to forget Shiloh Ellis.
I shook my head.
My phone dinged, and I jerked it out of the pocket of my jeans like the crazy fucker I was, only to see Levi’s name. Opening it, I expected him to be asking something about what he was picking up. Although he was the one who had ordered the food. I hadn’t given a shit.
Looks like Shiloh found her a man.
And there was a photo of Shiloh sitting at a table, smiling at some fucking guy across from her.
The pounding in my temples as I glared at the image on my screen was going to lead to fucking violence. I hadn’t needed to see this shit. Why the fuck had Levi sent it to me? And who the motherfucking hell was that guy?
“Isn’t that the nurse you fired?” Destiny asked over my shoulder, and I sat up, moving away from her.
“Don’t fucking look at my messages,” I barked at her.
Who is he?I texted back.
Don’t know. Want me to go ask?
I took several deep breaths, mentally battling with myself over the answer to that.