Page 41 of Straight Fire
Destiny began to massage my shoulders. “You’re all tense. Let me make it better,” she whispered in my ear.
I needed her to get the fuck away from me. The vibrating in my chest was not a good sign. No one needed to be near me when I fucking snapped.
I shoved myself out of the chair and stood, hating this fucking cast and the limitations with it. Destiny stood up and came to curl up beside me.
I turned to glare down at her. “Get away from me,” I warned through clenched teeth.
She pouted and stepped back. “I can make you forget her.”
No, the fuck she couldn’t. No one could. I’d fucking tried that for years.
I officially felt like an idiot. Gage hadn’t contacted me again, and what I’d let him listen to me do was all the more embarrassing. I tried to block it out and keep busy. That was easier said than done.
Wilder met me at my door and suggested we go get dinner. That was better than sitting at home, watchingGossip Girland trying not to remember the call with Gage. Tonight was one of the warm winter evenings in Florida, and we went to the seafood place in town that had rooftop seating. Wilder had stopped asking about Gage, and he seemed happier that I was working back at the office.
The thought that Wilder wanted in my pants bothered me some, thanks to Gage putting the idea there. But Wilder never stepped over the invisible line I’d drawn. Other than him talking about the fact that he found me attractive at times, he was a friend and only that.
When the server placed our food on the table, I looked up to thank her, but my eyes collided with another pair I hadn’t been expecting. Levi was sitting over at the bar with a glass in his hand, looking directly at me. It was weird, seeing him somewhere besides the house he lived in with Gage.
I smiled and gave him a small wave. He returned the smile, then turned his attention back to the women sitting beside him. I doubted he was on a date. That didn’t seem like something he would do. He wasn’t a relationship guy, much like Gage. They liked girls they could text for blow jobs.
Wilder was looking at me, then turned to see who I had waved at. Levi glanced at Wilder a moment, then turned to say something to the server who had spoken to him.
“You know him?” he asked.
“Yeah, he’s a friend of the guy who I had to do thehome nursething for.” That was the only way I could think of to explain it.
“He didn’t seem to hate you,” he said, picking up his fork.
I shrugged. “I don’t think he ever did exactly. We didn’t talk much, and I rarely saw him.”
Wilder seemed appeased by that, and I was thankful he was letting it drop. It was hard to talk around this stuff. I was used to just telling Wilder everything. Other than Wilder, my only real friend in town had been Lynn. She had moved, and I hadn’t gotten close to the other ladies in the office.
I listened as Wilder started telling me about his phone call with Sarah today. She had gotten a new puppy and was thrilled. Her grandmother, however, was the one who had bought it and was keeping it at her house. Her mom didn’t want to keep it.
“Hello, Shiloh.” Levi’s voice surprised me, and I looked up to see he’d walked over to us. I hadn’t been paying attention.
“Levi, hello,” I said, smiling up at him. “Oh, uh, Levi, this is Wilder, my friend and neighbor. Wilder, this is a friend of one of Uncle Neil’s patients.”
Levi chuckled. “I’ve been his patient before too,” he replied. “Carmichael is the only doctor to ever stitch me up.”
I hadn’t thought about that.
“It’s nice to meet you,” Wilder told him.
Levi gave him a once-over, then looked back to me. It was rude, but I wasn’t going to correct the man.
“Hope we see you around soon,” he said, then winked before walking away.
“That was weird,” Wilder said once he was far enough away.
I frowned, then nodded my head in agreement. “Yeah, it was.”