Page 1 of Grump Daddy's Baby
“I’llgiveyouahundred bucks if you drink that whiskey.”
Not my best pickup line, but I’m desperatenotto be approached by the blind date that my asshole best friend set me up with. Just by the looks of her, she’s probably a hopeless romantic, loves long walks in the park, never cusses, and is optimistic as fuck.
Not my type.
Tack on that she’s a blonde, dressed in mixed-match floral, and is drinking water…yeah,noone is going to believe that she’s my girlfriend for my ex-wife’s wedding.
“Lay it on the table and you got a deal.”
I barely got a look at her face, and I’m judging this solely off the fact that she has phenomenal sexy red hair that curls down a black leather jacket. And that she ordered a whiskey straight up at the bar.
Mykind of woman.
As she turns her head to look over at me for the first time, I realize that my luck just broke for the better. Insanely potent green eyes stare back at me, the remnants of freckles peppering along her high cheekbones and nose. And these fucking mauve-colored lips are perfect for being sucked on and suckingoff.
Immediately fishing a Benjamin from my wallet, I don’t break eye contact when I leave two on the bartop.
One for her saving my damn life tonight.
And the second because I’m going to end up eye-fucking the shit out of her for most of it.
I’m a man. Not a saint.
I beat the hell out of people for a living so I’m definitely rough around the edges with the way I live and my words. I just conned a woman into sitting down with me for money because the prospect of having to politely sit with a woman who looks like Susie Homemaker makes me want to get knocked out.
And I have enough fucking problems to deal with.
However, now that this goddess just showed up and turned my whole damn night around, I’m looking to at least stay to finish my beer.
Her eyes slide over to the cash I just tossed onto the wooden bartop and she plucks one of the bills with her dainty thumb and index finger before plopping down on the stool next to mine.
“Keep the other one,” she says flatly. “I’m an expensive date.” If she sits her pretty ass next to me for the next hour, I don’t give a shit.
“What’ll it be then?”
“A burger.”
I perk a brow because that’s the lowest-maintenance date request I’ve ever had. “And?”
“I’m sure I’ll eventually want another drink.” She gives me a weak smile and my cock responds in kind because she’s hot.
Like I will gladly get on my knees for her and lick her sweet little cunt for as long as she asks for it hot.
“You’re being too easy on me,” I lightly chide. “Who did I pull you from?”
“Unfortunately, no one.” She inhales with her whole body and slowly lets it fall. “I’m here after a bad day.”
I lift my chin. “Ah, one of those types of bar visits.”
“What’s yours?”
“Blind date mishap.”
She cocks her head to the side. “You’re hoeing out your blind date?”