Page 2 of Grump Daddy's Baby
“The agreement was just to sit with me. Not that I wasn’t an asshole.”
Her eyes take a generous look down my chest which gives me the same opportunity. She’s a woman with balls and I obviously have no clue where she comes from but I can appreciate the hell out of the view.
Her plain white tee is filled out by D cups, at least, and her skin is this perfect shade of cream that—slow the fuck down.
I need a savior, not a fuck.
“So, someone thought you needed to get hooked up?” I bring my beer to my lips, more frustrated than before that I allowed my buddy to convince me of this stupid idea. “Which one?”
I take a sip of my drink, studying the face of my new buddy in crime to see if she’s trustworthy or not.
And, since a neon red sign isn’t going to pop out of nowhere and tell me if she is or not, I chance it.
“Blonde with the long-sleeve rose shirt and the tulip skirt.”
She nods. “Got it. That’s my sister.”
My eyes practically bulge from my damn skull. “What?” An immediate sea of laughter rings from the lips of the woman who I thought was my savior, and I glower at her. “Are you serious?”
“You’re obviously not the only asshole sitting at this bar.”
“Apparently not,” I mutter, but I can’t help the slight heave of my lips. “I’m deducting ten bucks off the rest of that hundred.”
She smiles and it’s like it glows off her face it’s so pretty.
I can’t remember the last time I used that word.
“I’m sure I can win it back.”
“Not sure how,” I reply. “Bustin’ your new date’s balls within two minutes is frowned upon.”
“Maybe it was an ego stroking.” I perk a curious brow. “I’ll let you think about that one.”
I rock my head back and forth because I had to pick the sexy, confident one who knows she looks good. “You’re trouble. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to have you come over here and sit with me after all.”
She fingers her Benjamin in the air. “I can always leave and you can flirt shamelessly with your new date.”
“I don’t think she’d pick up the references.”
My stranger smiles. “Doubtful.”
A few seconds of silence pass between us before I amp up my stranger’s identity and learn what a blind date should be like. “I’ll give you back your ten bucks if you tell me your name.”
She sinks her teeth into her plush bottom lip and, fuck me, this woman is downright sexy as hell. “Molly.”
I scoff in disbelief at the basic-ass name. “Bullshit.”
“Bet?” Her brows lift with confidence which, obviously, she knows her own damn name.
“How does someone that looks like she fucks dudes to death on the regular conjure up the name Molly?”
She shrugs her shoulders. “My parents were a little, let’s just say…safe.”