Page 21 of Grump Daddy's Baby
“Is she, um…” Kai stares at me some more and I hate that I’m stumbling. I didn’t before. In fact, I had zero problems talking to him other than when he was fucking me to death.
“Is she what?”
Just spit it out, Molly. He’s no one to you. Especially if he’s a two-timing piece of crap.
“Your wife.” Two words that sound more like an accusation, but Kai doesn’t flinch or miss a damn beat.
The guy is good.
It’s like he’s ready for anything at any given time and that makes me believe that he might be doing me a favor right now.
However, my bank account may tend to differ.
“I don’t have a wife,” he deadpans.
Again, he offers nothing else, so I stick to the task at hand—the job.
“So, why won’t you hire me?” I ask, then follow up with, “I’m great with kids.”
“Since when?” He slices his solemn and bored gaze to me as if heknowsme. And, at no given time did we talk about the personal stuff. “Molly…” He says my name like a broken love song.
As if he’s been waiting for years to see me again.
He hasn’t.
Kai hasn’t called.
He hasn’t randomly shown up.
There have been no text messages asking me how I’ve been or if I wanted to meet up.
We’ve been over this a million times. He doesn’t want a relationship or the complications that come with one.
“We can’t do this,” he says, with some finality to his words.
My stomach drops again because I feel as though he’s breaking up with me when we never dated in the first place.
We had two great nights, one that I’ll remember for the rest of my life, but that’s it. There were no promises, nothing was set in stone, and I was only needed for a few hours.
“I’m not looking to complicate things,” I say honestly. “And I’ll be out of your way.”
“You’ll be in my house,” he retorts simply. “The position is for alive-innanny.”
Shit. Fiona and I missed that.
And, that’s kind of a problem, because I have a lease with at least two more months on it. However, nothing else has been panning out for me.
“I’m in a relationship,” I lie, hoping that makes this less complicated in his mind. “There won’t be any more…encounters.”
He perks a brow at my use of words. “Is that what we’re callin’ it?”
I’d call it the best sex of my life, but who am I?
“We’re not calling it anything.”
Kai rocks his head back and forth at me and I can tell he’s already got his mind made up. “Can’t do it.”