Page 22 of Grump Daddy's Baby
“Do what?”
He shifts his weight and, I think, ignores the question. “I need someone that’s going to stay around. Not run after the next best opportunity.”
And that’s what I’ll be doing.
However, the pay for this position is more than what I was making writing, so maybe my life is about to change career choices.
And a girl’s gotta eat and pay off some credit card debt.
“Listen,” I say calmly, hoping that I sound like this job means nothing and I’m doing him a huge solid here, “I’m really good at cleaning.”Wow, you’re just lying your ass off.“And cooking.”That’s not a complete lie.“Kids love me.”They actually do.“You have girls, I’m a girl.” Kai blinks at me and politely waits for me to finish because, I can tell, he’s not impressed at all with what I’m saying. “And you owe me.”
Thatgets a reaction out of him that I kinda needed.
“Excuse me?” His features skew at the mention of him being liable for anything because I was a more than willing participant in that night.
“Not even a goodbye, Kai?” I hedge, even though—again—I knew what I was signing up for. “I woke up and you were gone.”
“Aaand…this is why I don’t want to hire you.”
I outright ignore that comment because I wasn’t surprised when I found myself alone. “I’m not ahit it and quit itkinda girl. I’m loyal. I’d treat your girls like my own and, look…they already know me.”
“That was three months ago.”
“Kids remember things. And I was pretty bomb.”
Kai averts his gaze and tosses his rag to the front end of his car. It appears as though it did nothing to his grease-stained hands.
Hands that did sinful and unforgettable things to me.
“The answer is still no.”
I’ve heard a lot of that in my life.
From bad relationships who said I wasn’t good enough or long-term enough for their standards. To a deadbeat dad who has traipsed in and out of my life for as long as I can remember. I’ve never had a good relationship with a man who didn’t just want to use me for a little while, or come and go as he saw fit.
However, I can only respect that Kai was real from the beginning. There were no gray lines. Everything he said was the truth, and I knew exactly what I was getting myself into while agreeing to be his fake girlfriend.
“Huh.” My one-word answer draws Kai’s blues back onto me and I can see the curiosity riling in them when I don’t fill the silence with anything else for a few seconds. “I didn’t expect you to be the closed-minded type.”
He glowers at me. “This isn’t a blind date matter. These are mychildren.”
“No shit.” His nostrils flare because I’m not lying down to his decision as easily as he may want me to. But, like I’ve said, I need a job and this one is perfect. “I’m going to lay it all out for you because that’s what I do.”
“I thought you already did.”
“I didn’t.”
“And you talk too much.”
I halt the scoff that wants to freely leave my lips because this man is just all sorts of blunt as shit. “Would you rather I be a doormat?” Kai then gestures for me to hurry up with what I need to say so that he can promptly kick me out of his house, I’m sure. “The night you met me, I just got fired from my job. I busted my entire ass there. I begged my boss to move me somewhere else and see my worth. To him, I was just a pretty face with a quote,bangin’ body. You needed help and I dropped my shit to do it. And now, it’s three months later, and I’m here. I need something from you and someone who’s going to not sugarcoat what’s required.”
“I thought I was doing that.”
“You’re judging me.”
“No, I’m doing you a favor.” He takes a singular step in my direction and my body instantly tenses. “I’m not someone you want to live with. Trust me.”