Page 97 of Grump Daddy's Baby
MOLLY: They affect my job.
ME: Molly, I will do illegal shit to find you. And when I do, I’m dragging you back here.
MOLLY: Highly doubtful.
ME: Bet?
ME: You know that moving out without telling me would drive me crazy, sweetheart.
ME: Fine. You win. Release the article, making a million dollars off it. I want you back under this roof right now so that I can make sure you okay.
MOLLY: I’m fine.
MOLLY: And I only answered you so you could stop asking me the same damn question, Kai.
MOLLY: And I’m not releasing the article. I wrote it when I was offered the piece, but I wrote it for you. I wrote it because one day I wanted you to see how my feelings grew for you. How I fell in love with you and that you changed my life.
My heart drops right into my gut.
She said she loves me.
And I had to hear that shit over a text message. I made my woman admit her feelings by means of a text because I couldn’t interrupt her that way. And I never want my girls to feel as though they’re not supported. That their role model of a man is one who blinds himself with his own self-pity and anger.
ME: Then come home.
MOLLY: No. I can’t live like that. I can’t be in a relationship where you only listen to one side.
ME: We’ll talk when you get here. I know I fucked up. But we’re having a baby together. Your health and safety is my top priority.
MOLLY: Save it for Lark and Bria, Kai. I promise you I’m going to be fine.
ME: Well, I’m not fine. I know I wasn’t open to talking about it, but I wasn’t ready. And you gave me more than enough time but I’m not good at this. I’m not a good partner. It’s why I told you I wasn’t looking for anything serious. That I never wanted to get married. Maybe if I would’ve been a better husband to Olivia, she wouldn’t have felt like she had to cheat on me with my best friend.
MOLLY: You being you has nothing to do with her cheating.
MOLLY: You’re a good man. And I know you don’t like talking but that’s how you solve problems.
ME: I know, baby.
ME: I’ll try to be a better one for you. It’s just hard for me to trust anyone anymore.
MOLLY: Well, man up and try.
ME: Says the woman who dipped out and left.
MOLLY: I didn’t want to argue with you about it. And you never would’ve let me leave.
ME: You’re bound to me for life, Molly. And you’re right, I never would’ve let you leave.
MOLLY: I’m sorry that I wrote the article. It was never meant to be seen by anyone else but you.
ME: Why did you write it?
MOLLY: It’s in my blood. It’s how I can mold all my feelings and kinda walk through the motions with everything. You took me by surprise. We were never meant to be anything but a meet-cute at a bar.
ME: You were always meant to be in my life. It just took me a while to find you.