Page 98 of Grump Daddy's Baby
MOLLY: I don’t know what to do. You killed me every day you didn’t speak to me.
ME: I’m not good at speaking, baby.
MOLLY: You do just fine when you’re fucking me, Kai. You got this.
ME: That’s because I can’t help it.
ME: You pull that out of me.
ME: Where are you?
MOLLY: For someone that doesn’t talk a lot you sure do ask a lot of questions.
ME: And if I don’t get answers, I’ll use a different method.
MOLLY: Like what?
ME: I have a cop that owes me a favor, sweetheart. I guess it depends on if you want to bet on how long it’ll take me to find you.
MOLLY: I’m not ready yet.
ME: Then when will you be?
MOLLY: I’m not sure. But I know I messed up here too.
ME: You didn’t do anything that I’m not going to get over. There isn’t anything you could do that would make me not want you, Molly.
MOLLY: I’m sure there are a few.
ME: There’s not.
MOLLY: If I cheated on you, we wouldn’t be talking.
ME: No, it’d be a hundred times worse than this.
ME: Well, for starters, I’d kill him. Then we’d have to flee the country. I’d need to make sure the island I bought has access to be able to land a plane so that, when you’re ready to give birth, we could get you to a hospital.
MOLLY: Sounds too secluded.
ME: Well, that’s what you have to do when you murder someone.
MOLLY: You shouldn’t want to stay with me if I did something like that to you. I think you got knocked in the head too many times in that last fight.
ME: Maybe.
ME: Or maybe it’s because it’s too much and I can’t be without you.
MOLLY: Stop it. Don’t start buttering me up, Kai Wolfe.
ME: It’s facts, Molly Ryland.
MOLLY: I’ll let you know how my doctor appointment goes tomorrow. Just so you know how the baby is. Then, we’ll continue talking?
ME: See, this is where you fucked up, sweetheart. Now, I know exactly where to find you.