Page 31 of Red, White, and Ewe
"Hey. In case I haven't told you both," Kaleb cleared his throat, "I appreciate you, and I'm glad we're family."
Scarlet leaned between their seats and rested her hands on their shoulders. "I'm glad, too. I can't imagine having gone through what we did without you two. Thank you for being my rock when our world was caving in."
Grady patted her hand. "God gave us each other. We didn't have to go through any of it alone. We still don't. No matter what comes our way, as long as we hang tight to each other, and Him, we can get through it."
"Well, Scarlet will need to hang on to Shane, as well as us," Kaleb corrected with a watery smile. Glad it was too dark for his siblings to see the moisture in his eyes, he squeezed Scarlet's hand. "Love you, guys."
They repeated the sentiment, and Scarlet sat back. Even if Kaleb had to go through the rest of his life without a soulmate, at least God gave him his brother and sister. Though, deep down, he prayed the Lord would see fit to bless him with someone like Cinnamon to love.
Chapter Twelve
Cinnamon's stomach spun round and round like the tilt o' whirl at a carnival. She shivered in her chair, her hands wrapped around her coffee.
Rockin' Around the Christmas Treerang through the Inn. Christmas music in late June ought to annoy her, but today, it gave her peace. She had to put some distance between her and the farm. More precisely, Kaleb. Cinnamon and Mayson agreed to give each other space to get over the awkward kiss.
Shivering once more, Cinnamon lifted the drink to her lips. The hot brew warmed her insides, doing its best to wipe away the feeling of Mayson's lips on hers.
"Okay. We're all here." Harper took charge as she always did when the friends got together. "Spill it. How was the date last night?"
Poppy, Harper, Scarlet, and Noel's sister, Amy, all leaned forward as one. Cinnamon chuckled at their movement. "What I say stays between us, right?" Cinnamon avoided glancing at Scarlet, but that's where her biggest concern lay.
While it didn't bother her to tell Scarlet, Cinnamon didn't want the kiss getting back to Kaleb. It was embarrassing enough for her without thinking her ex-boyfriend might find out and tease her about it. No, Cinnamon gave herself a mental shake, he wouldn't do that. He'd be too much of a gentleman. But still. The fewer people that knew, the better.
Everyone agreed to keep it among themselves, setting Cinnamon's mind at ease. "It was good. We grabbed lunch after church, saw a movie, and then had ice cream. We walked around the park, and he took me home."
Scarlet lifted an eyebrow.
Curious. What did she know, and how did she know it?
"That's it?" Poppy pulled Cinnamon's attention away from Kaleb's sister. "Nothing else happened?"
"What do you think happened?" Cinnamon bit the inside of her cheek to keep from grinning.
"Come on, Cin." Harper wrapped her knuckles on the arm of the couch. "The second date at least asks for a little more romance, don't you think?"
Scarlet kept her lips pressed together while her eyes sparkled with laughter. Yep, she knew something alright.
Cinnamon held her tongue as her gaze traveled around the room. Christmas decorations filled the sitting room. She and Sadie used to sit here and have deep discussions. She missed the older woman. If only she and her mom were close. Or if Mrs. Linden were still alive. They used to get along quite well before her sudden death.
Not only did she lose her relationship with Kaleb when they died, but with his parents, as well. It was a double blow for her. Cinnamon had hoped they'd comfort one another, but instead, he faced the tragedy alone, and so did she.
"Okay, okay." Cinnamon held up her hands. "I'll tell you what happened. There was a bit of romance."
"I knew it!" Harper rubbed her hands together, squirming on the sofa next to Cinnamon. "Spill it."
"Lunch was normal. At the movies, Mayson was a little more physical."
"Oooo," the girls all said in unison.
Cinnamon rolled her eyes and laughed. "You all are too much."
"Keep going," Scarlet rolled her hand in a circle. "We wanna know more."
"I have a feeling you already do." Cinnamon inclined her head.
Poppy gasped and smacked Scarlet. "What do you know?"
"Not my information to tell." Scarlet gave Cinnamon a saucy look. "But itisyours, so out with it."