Page 32 of Red, White, and Ewe
"Now I'm dying to know." Poppy's eyes darted between her and Scarlet.
"Alright." Cinnamon inhaled and pushed it out between her lips. "At the movies, he did run his finger around on my shoulder. We had ice cream and a nice discussion about the sermon and kids. Then we walked around the park. Before you ask, yes, he held my hand."
Cinnamon fidgeted on the cushion. "We stopped away from the playground, hidden from everyone. And Mayson complimented me, and then he kissed me."
Harper gasped. "What? I didn't expect that!"
"I didn't either," Cinnamon confessed, "But I'm glad it happened."
"So, are you like, in love now?" Scarlet's question held more meaning, but Cinnamon couldn't decipher what.
"No," Cinnamon laughed the word. "Not in the slightest."
"Wait. Why? Didn't you like the kiss?" Poppy tucked her feet under her.
Cinnamon shuddered. "No. Neither of us did."
"I am so confused," Scarlet murmured.
"Honestly, after the kiss, we both felt as if we just kissed our sibling." Cinnamon shook her head and brushed her hair away from her face. "It was uncomfortable and awkward. You know how you hear stories of best friends growing up together and it turns into love?" At her friends' nods, she continued, "This was not one of those times. This was growing up together and realizing you're more like brother and sister."
Scarlet shuddered. "I cannot imagine kissing my brothers like that."
"Exactly. It’s border-line gross." Cinnamon burst out laughing. Her friends joined in until they all had tears running down their faces. She wiped her eyes, the laughter dying down. "It's one reason why I didn't want to meet at A Whole Latte of Love. We agreed to keep our distance for a while."
Amy, a newer friend of Cinnamon's, nodded. "You definitely need space in order to work through the emotions you experienced."
"How does Mayson feel about all of this?" Poppy and Mayson were good friends. It didn't surprise Cinnamon she wanted to know how he was doing.
"He feels the same. We both agreed that at least we tried, and it didn't hurt our friendship. Well, not permanently, anyway. It may take a little bit of time to get over the kiss." Heat covered Cinnamon's cheeks. "It was so weird, you guys. I wish I could explain it to make you understand."
"I don't think you need to." Harper laughed. "I'm sure we've all had our fair share of weird kisses, haven't we?"
"Definitely," Amy agreed. "So, what are you going to do now?"
"What do you mean?" Cinnamon lifted the cup to her lips and took a long sip.
"I mean, if it were me, I'd remain single for the time being. It's good to know who you are apart from a man." Amy held up her palm. "No offense to you non-single gals, but I don't need a man to define me."
"We don't either," Harper answered slowly.
Tension filled the small space. Cinnamon understood Amy's perspective. Her husband's affair while they were missionaries in Scotland shook the poor woman to her core, tainting her view of men and God.
"I'm sorry." Amy blinked away the moisture in her eyes. "I shouldn't have said that. I know men don't define you."
Poppy reached over and squeezed Amy's hand. "We understand. You've been through a hard time. No one's taking what you said personally."
The lines in Amy's forehead disappeared as she swiped her eye with a finger. "Thank you. I'm still working through my problems."
"You're safe here, Amy, to be who you are." Harper encouraged. "We love you, no matter what."
"Thank you all. I appreciate it." Amy stood and grabbed the carafe. "I'll go refill the coffee since we don't want to go to A Whole Latte of Love."
Laughter filled the air once more. "No thank you." Cinnamon put her cup on the table. "I'll be glad to go back to the farm for a week. That way I won't have to see Mayson any time soon."
"We look forward to having you back," Scarlet said, offering her a smile. "It's nice having another woman at the farm. Aside from our guests, of course."
"How are the wedding plans coming, Scarlet?" Poppy popped a cookie in her mouth. "Cinnamon," she spoke around the food in her mouth, "God bless you for making these. So good."