Page 33 of Red, White, and Ewe
Cinnamon laughed and waited for Scarlet's answer.
"It's going good. Right now, we're focused more on building our home." Scarlet's face positively glowed.
"Wait. What?" Harper sat on the edge of thecouch,eyes wide. "You're building your own home?"
"Yep. A wedding gift from Grady and Kaleb." A dreamy sigh escaped Scarlet as she pulled her phone out of her pocket. "This is what we have planned so far."
They all gathered around Scarlet and listened as she explained in detail what she hoped her house would look like.
"We know a good contractor, if you're still looking for one." Harper returned to her seat.
Scarlet replaced her phone in her pocket. "Thanks, but I've got one. Well, Kaleb didn't tell me he had an appointment for the contractor."
"What do you mean?" Cinnamon forced her question to be calm.
"Before he told me about my gift, he'd already scheduled the contractor to come up and give him an estimate." Scarlet laughed. "Same old Kaleb."
While Cinnamon knew Scarlet's comment hadn't meant to be negative, it struck a chord in her heart. If he was still planning everyone's future without their input, could she trust him with her heart again?
"He probably did that to make sure you guys could afford the cost of the home, right?" Harper shifted her gaze to Cinnamon before moving back to Scarlet.
"No. He said we had plenty stored away for it. Kaleb's just that way, I guess." Scarlet may not find it bothersome, but Cinnamon certainly did.
Amy returned at the end of Scarlet's explanation. "I hated it when my ex-husband made plans without consulting me."
Scarlet's lips turned down, her eyes losing their sparkle. "I don't know that he meant it to be that way. I'm sure he just wanted me to be surprised."
"It is exciting you get to build your own home, Scar." Cinnamon made her voice light and encouraging though on the inside, her heart sank. "What a wonderful gift you and Shane have. What's your favorite part about the house?"
Scarlet's eyes lit up again. "The kitchen. It's big and up to date. It'll still have a rustic charm to it, though. I can't wait until it's finished so I can have you all over for a meal."
"If you need any help with anything, building related or planning your wedding, you let us know." Harper refilled the empty mugs on the coffee table. "Poppy, how's married life?"
"Good." Poppy grinned. "Edison and his son are getting acquainted still, but it's getting easier."
"You guys make a cute family." Cinnamon popped a lemon cookie in her mouth. Poppy was right. The cookies turned out tastier than usual.
"What's your color scheme for the wedding?" Amy pushed her long, brown hair over her shoulder.
Cinnamon had to give it to the woman. Even though her husband caused a tremendous amount of hurt, she still tried to be excited for her friends when they got married.
When Noel asked Amy to come help out at the Inn, Cinnamon expected an angry woman who hated all men. Sure, the anger still tinted her view on certain subjects, but overall, she did her best to rejoice with them when something good happened.
The fact that Noel still held good standing with his sister said a lot about Noel's relationship with her, as well.
"I'm thinking green and silver. I want to get married in December, providing the house will be finished. Technically, we could marry earlier and then live in Shane's apartment, but why move twice?" Scarlet twirled her finger around her silky-smooth hair.
The girls continued to discuss Scarlet's wedding. Cinnamon let her mind wander back to Scarlet's comment.Same old Kaleb. Disappointment hung over her like a dark cloud. If he still felt the need to control people's lives, what hope was there for the two of them to rekindle their romance?
Little to none, if Cinnamon had any say in it. She did not want to go back to being a silent partner in a romantic relationship. Even if that meant remaining single for the rest of her life.
Chapter Thirteen
Kaleb chucked the hay over the fence. While cleaning the horse stalls wasn't his favorite task, it allowed him to do something more than chop wood when he needed to exert energy.
Cinnamon was due back to the farm that night. He'd survived Monday by spending a lot of time in prayer. He meant what he said to Scarlet. Cinnamon and Mayson's happiness mattered more to him than his own. If that meant them spending a life together, then he'd support them the best way he knew how.
Even if his heart ached at the memory of their embrace. And how much he wished he held her in his arms instead of Mayson.