Page 51 of Red, White, and Ewe
Meandering down the pathway, Kaleb listened to the birds chirping their songs back and forth. A few flew overhead, guiding his way to the perfect spot. He reached the meadow, far enough away from the sheep to avoid the smell and the constant baaing.
Kaleb spread the blanket out on the grass, pulling the corners to straighten it out. He set the basket on top of it and took out the two glasses and drinks, leaving the food inside so as not to attract the animals.
When everything was perfect, Kaleb made his way back to the house. He paused outside the front door, closing his eyes, allowing the warmth of the day to wrap him in its embrace and calm his racing heart.
The sound of tires crunching over gravel forced his eyes open. Scarlet eased her truck to a stop. Cinnamon climbed out of the passenger side, her smile lighting his world. How had he lived so long without her constant presence? She was the missing piece to his life puzzle.
Kaleb once heard someone say on a movie that their spouse completed them. He couldn't go that far. Only God could do that. But Cinnamon definitely fit the missing piece of his life. She was a gift from God he hoped to treasure every single day of his life.
"You're back earlier than I expected." Kaleb greeted her with a kiss on her cheek.
"I may have been a little excited to spend the afternoon with you." A cute blushtinted Cinnamon's cheeks.
Scarlet laughed, slamming her door. "A little? Cinnamon practically begged me to hurry." She raised her eyebrows in a silent question.
Kaleb gave her a small nod for an answer. She swiped the back of her hand over her forehead, darting her eyes to Cinnamon. Releasing a breath his girlfriend didn't catch his sister's gesture, Kaleb tossed a scowl in Scarlet's direction.
Eyes dancing with laughter, Scarlet mouthed the wordsorry.
"Since you're back early, want to go for a walk?" Kaleb asked Cinnamon.
Her smile grew, warming Kaleb even more than the sun. "Sure. Let me put these in the cabin." She held up her bags. "I did have some fun shopping, even if I wanted to get back to you."
"I can verify that. We did have a good time." Scarlet linked her arm through Kaleb's good one. "Come to the living room when you're done, Cin."
Kaleb's eyes remained on Cinnamon until she was out of view. "I'm glad I got everything set up before you came home."
"Me, too." Scarlet climbed the steps to the porch. "If I kept her any longer, though, she'd grow suspicious."
"That's true." Kaleb crossed over the threshold and blinked, letting his eyes adjust to the darkness inside. "Did you go to A Whole Latte of Love?"
Scarlet nodded. "Mayson redecorated the place in red, white, and blue. He said he decided he wasn't going to let what happened take away from the joy of the holiday. It was pretty crowded, too."
"Good." Kaleb released a breath of relief. "I'd hate for the coffee shop to suffer because of the stupidity of two people."
"Me, too." Scarlet squeezed his arm. "I can't wait to see Cinnamon tonight for dinner."
"I know." Kaleb couldn't stop the wide grin from spreading across his face. "You told everyone about the engagement party, right?"
"As many as I could." Scarlet pulled out the invitations. "It's last minute, but I think most everyone will be here."
"Good. You told them where to park?"
His sister pressed her lips to the side of her face. "Of course, I did. I wouldn't have them park in front of the house and ruin the surprise."
Kaleb wrapped her in a sideways hug. "Thanks, sis. I couldn't have done this without you and Grady. I appreciate it."
"I know you do." The screen door slammed. Scarlet pushed him away. "Now go get me a sister, finally." She giggled. "I've been waiting my whole life for one."
Kaleb chuckled and met Cinnamon in the hallway near the front door. "Ready?"
Cinnamon nodded. "Yep. Are we going far?"
"Not too far." Kaleb slipped his hand into hers, entwining their fingers.
As they walked down the path, Cinnamon kept up a steady stream of conversation. Which Kaleb was grateful for. He had a difficult time keeping his stomach from losing its contents, so he didn't know if he'd be able to give more than a simple answer here or there.
They stopped at the blanket. Cinnamon's mouth formed a smallo.