Page 52 of Red, White, and Ewe
"Do you recognize where we are?" Kaleb motioned for her to sit.
"This is where you first told me you loved me all those years ago." Cinnamon's eyes darted around them, as if reliving that day all over again.
"It is." Kaleb pulled out the sandwiches, strawberries, grapes, and brownies. "I wanted to bring you back here one more time."
"You put all this together while I was gone." Cinnamon eyed the food as her stomach growled. She giggled. "I didn't realize how hungry I was until now."
"Good. And yes, I did." Kaleb handed her a small plate. "I'm not as good at cooking as you are, but I can hold my own. Unfortunately, I am limited in what I can do."
"This is perfect, Kaleb. Thank you." Cinnamon's face glowed in the sunlight. "I appreciate you taking the time away from the farm to spend with me."
"You three won't let me do very much, but even if you did, I'd still take the time to be with you today." Kaleb popped a grape in his mouth and chewed, hoping he didn't spew it all over her as his stomach flopped around.
Kaleb pushed a strawberry around on his plate while Cinnamon munched on her lunch. Minutes ticked by. By the time he got up his nerve, the sandwich on her plate disappeared.
"Cinnamon, I can't begin to tell you how much the last few weeks have meant to me. And it all started because you said yes to helping us out here on the farm." Kaleb ran his finger over the back of her hand. "You didn't have to, but you knew we were in a bind. It just goes to show who you are at your core. You're giving, even if it's a sacrifice for you. You're loving, kind, funny."
"Kaleb," Cinnamon whispered. "You're going to make me cry."
Kaleb swallowed the lump threatening to form in his own throat. "I don't mean to. I simply want you to know how much you mean to me, how grateful I am that you are in my life. You are a woman who seeks after the Lord, too. I've always admired that about you."
A blush spread across Cinnamon's face. "Thank you. I admire that about you, too."
"You are the most beautiful woman, inside and out, that I have the privilege of knowing and loving." Kaleb rubbed his lips together. "You care about every person you come in contact with. I am blessed to be one of those people. Not that you only care about me, but you love me, when I certainly don't deserve it."
A tear slid down Cinnamon's face. "Yes, you do. I'm the one who doesn't deserve you."
"I suppose we're in good company then." Kaleb lifted one side of his mouth as he brushed away her tear. "We both feel unworthy of each other."
"I suppose we are." Cinnamon returned his smile.
Kaleb straightened, his heart ramming against his chest faster than when he takes his horse out for a run. "I love you, Cinnamon Jordan, more than my own life. When we were apart, a huge piece of my heart was missing. I don't ever want to imagine my life without you again."
He got on one knee as a small gasp flew from Cinnamon's mouth. "Kaleb," she whispered once more.
"I've had this ring picked out for you since the day we first started talking marriage, over twelve years ago." Kaleb blinked back the burning sensation behind his eyes. "For years, I thought I'd never be able to give it to you. And yet, I couldn't bring myself to get rid of it." Kaleb held the ring between his thumb and forefinger, the princess cut diamond shining in the sun. "I know I'm not perfect. I have a lot of flaws I need to work on, but I know with God and you in my life, I can do anything." Kaleb raised his gaze to hers. "Cinnamon, will you do me the honor of marrying me?"
Tears flowed freely down Cinnamon's face. She nodded. "Yes, yes, I'll marry you!" She flung her arms around Kaleb's neck.
"Oomph." Kaleb fell back, unable to keep his balance. He landed with a thump on his back, Cinnamon on top of him.
"I'm so sorry!" She pushed herself off his chest. "Are you hurt?"
Kaleb shook his head and laughed, righting himself, the ring still clutched in his hand. "Not at all." He cleared his throat. "I'm, uh, gonna need your help putting the ring on."
Cinnamon extended her hand as Kaleb slipped the ring on her left ring finger. "It's beautiful, Kaleb. You've really had it all this time?"
"I couldn't get rid of it. I knew it belonged to you. To return it meant I had no hope of us having a future." He shrugged. "I guess, deep down, I didn't want that to be true."
Joy lit her eyes. "I love you, Kaleb Linden."
Kaleb pulled himself up to his feet, holding out his hand. "I love you, too, more and more each day. Thank you for saying yes."
"Thank you for asking." Cinnamon pressed her lips to his, wrapping her arms around his neck. She pulled away, a blush covering her face. "I don't want a long engagement."
Kaleb threw his head back and laughed. "Me, either. We've waited long enough."
"I agree. As a matter of fact, if you think we can pull it off, how about we plan it for September?"