Page 77 of The Duchess Effect
“Do you act this way with your students?” Jasper asked. “The school would probably pay you to go to Los Angeles if it meant you’d come back in a better mood.”
Rhys gave him the middle finger. “Want to play poker? Here you go.”
He threw more chips onto the pot.
“Son of a bitch. That was Jameson who complained, not me,” Oliver said, before tossing his cards towards Jasper. “I fold.”
“Well, well, well,” Dani said, propping her hip against the doorway, lovely in one of her cozy matching lounge sets, this one a mint green. “I thought you said it was poker night? This looks like a scene straight out of that James Bond movie.”
His smile was automatic, as were the particles of joy that radiated through him. He loved having her here. Her presence did more to liven up this old building than anything since his mother’s time. Dani was also having the same effect on his life. Yesterday’s event had been tolerable—enjoyable, even—because he was able to share it with her.
A thought that had kept him up all night. It shouldn’t be thiseasy. The good press. The queen’s welcome. The promise to let him leave royal life behind. It all seemed too good to be true. He never would’ve imagined the queen allowing someone’s girlfriend, not to mention said girlfriend being an American rapper, to participate in royal events on behalf of the monarchy!
Was he missing something? Was there a move his grandmother had available that he couldn’t see? Or was he looking for trouble where there was none?
“Why, thank you,” Jasper said, looking up from his hand to doff an imaginary hat to her.
She laughed and moved around the table to stand next to Jameson. “Do you always wear tuxedos to play poker?”
“It’s a stupid rule Oliver came up with,” Jameson said, resting his hand on the small of her back.
“There’s four of us,” Oliver said, spreading his arms wide, his black and diamond encrusted cuff links catching the light. “I wasn’t outvoted.”
“Because it doesn’t matter what I wear,” Rhys said. “I’ll still take your money.”
“Ooh, shit talking! I love to hear it!” Dani said. “And you look good doing it! There’s something about a handsome man in black tie.”
“No worries, Jay,” she said, sitting on his lap and giving him a kiss. “You’re the handsomest of them all.”
“That’s more like it,” he said, placing his cards facedown and giving her a squeeze.
Jasper revealed the turn.
Jameson should’ve been deciding how he wanted to play his hand, but it was unreasonable to expect him to concentrate when he had Dani’s soft warm body on his lap. He nuzzled her neck,seeking the source of her scent that was spicy, full-bodied, and would always remind him of her.
“Jay!” she said, simultaneously giggling and pushing against his shoulders. “Pay attention!”
“I thought that’s what I was doing.”
“For fuck’s sake,” Rhys growled. “As I recall, there are five hundred rooms in this place. You two are free to pick any one except this one. In this one, we’re playing cards!”
“I would like to refer you to Ollie’s earlier comment about hitting the gym or hitting the sheets,” Jasper said.
“Or I could hit you,” Rhys deadpanned.
Jameson ignored the fraternal back-and-forth, inhaling and then gently pulling Dani’s smooth skin between his teeth, tugging, as if he could draw her essence in.
“You’re wicked,” she moaned. “Down, boy. I’m going to go and let you all get back to it. No need to rub Rhys’s nose in it. Plus, I’m really underdressed.”
“No. Stay. We’re almost done,” Jasper said, revealing the final card.
Jameson picked up his hand and grimaced. “Yeah, Rhys is getting ready to clean me out.”
“You’re not good at this, are you?” she asked.
“Cards aren’t where my talent lies.”