Page 78 of The Duchess Effect
Dani pursed her lips. “But you play poker regularly?”
“And Mary and Hetty are part of a monthly book club where cases of wine are consumed but nary a spine has been cracked,” Oliver said. “And your point is?”
“That it’s a shame four grown men aren’t cool with saying they want to hang out together, so instead they come up with a fancy pretext.” She fluttered her lashes.
“Bloody hell, woman! What did I ever do to you?” Oliver asked, leaning back in his chair, his hand over his heart, as if wounded.
Dani blew him a kiss.
“You’re not supercompetitive are you, Dani?” Rhys smirked.
“Have you met me?” She laughed. “But seriously, where I was raised, cards were a big deal. We played a lot. And either you have juju or you don’t.”
“If you do, just take a course of antibiotics and it’ll clear that right up. Ask Jasper, he knows,” Oliver said with a wink.
“Fuck you,” Jasper said.
“Isn’t indiscriminate fucking what caused you to get the juju in the first place?”
“Oh my God,” Dani said, laughing. “You guys are too much!”
“That’s one way to put it,” Jameson muttered. “Ignore them. What’s juju?”
She tilted her head, her brow furrowed. “Do you really believe cards are all about skill?”
“Of course.”
“Oh, my naive, privileged sexy prince.” She smacked a kiss on his lips. “Skill is a part of it, but there’s a lot of luck and what we call juju. It’s like the cards having an affinity for someone.”
“And I suppose you have it?”
“Of course I have it. There would be games where the cards I needed would show up at the perfect time. That had nothing to do with skill. That was juju.”
“Well, that settles it,” Oliver said. “Rhys definitely has juju.”
“You can borrow my antibiotics,” Jasper said dryly.
Rhys nodded towards the table. “You want us to deal you in?”
“I appreciate that,” Dani said, sliding off Jameson’s lap. He felt her absence keenly. “But poker isn’t my jam.”
He loved her little sayings and looked forward to the years it would take to learn them all.
“Whatisyour jam?” he asked, curious.
He met his friends’ confused gazes and shrugged. He was just as clueless as they were. “What’s spades?”
Her eyes widened. “So, it’s white people everywhere, not just the ones in America? You’ve never heard of spades?”
Everyone shook their head.
“Now,that’sa card game. The next time you guys get together to kiki”—she grinned—“I’ll have to school you.”
Oliver hit the table with the palm of his hand. “No time like the present.”
“Aren’t y’all in the middle of a game?”