Page 89 of Loved By a Warrior
Her time with Reeve was short, and she didn’t want to waste it. She wanted him to know she loved him and always would.
“Always,” she murmured. “I’ll love you always.”
His arm curved around her waist and he drew her up against him. His dark eyes danced with passion and joy, and he grinned. She just loved his grin, and she smiled in return.
He pressed his lips to her temple, looking to all as if he kissed her, but instead he whispered, “You’re mine, and your father will not take you from me.”
Her smile grew. She hadn’t expected words of love, he would save them for when he was sure it was safe and could not be used against him, could not be used to prevent them from marrying.
Besides, in an odd way, his response was better than his admitting he loved her. It settled deep in her heart and gave her a smidgen of hope.
Bryce rushed into the great hall, a flurry of snow covering his shoulders. “Carnoth has arrived.”
Reeve was quick to hurry her over to the table by his family. Tara noticed that Bliss and Willow were not present, and she wondered if Trey was all right. She didn’t have a chance to ask; her father stormed into the hall, shouting her name.
Tara wanted to cringe, but she didn’t. She held her head high and squared her shoulders, prepared to do whatever it took to keep Reeve and his family safe.
Reeve watched King Carnoth march toward them. It didn’t surprise him that Tara took a heroic stance beside him. He was aware that she planned to sacrifice herself for him, she had been sacrificing herself for years, and when she had admitted she loved him, he knew she was saying good-bye.
He had no intentions of letting her go anywhere even if he had to battle her father’s entire troop to keep her here.
Carmag stepped forward. “Welcome to the MacAlpin clan.”
Reeve was proud at the way his father stood tall and reminded his guest that he was on MacAlpin land, which meant he should tread light or suffer the consequences.
Unfortunately, Reeve could tell that King Carnoth was too angry to listen to reason, and he approached like a man ready to battle, a mistake he’d be certain to regret.
“You better welcome me, Carmag of the clan MacAlpin, and explain why my daughter resides with you.”
With the man only a few feet away, Reeve assessed him quickly. He was not a tall man though he was broad and thick, though more round, his long hair was all gray, and his face wore a multitude of wrinkles.
Tara moved out of Reeve’s arms before he could stop her, and his heart lurched in his chest, fearing at that moment he had lost her.
“I requested shelter from the MacAlpin clan, and they were kind enough to give it to me,” she said. “In return, I offered them my bride price.”
“You what?” her father shouted. “Your bride price belongs to your future husband.”
That was all Reeve needed to hear. He stepped forward, moving to Tara’s side. “That would be me.”
“The hell it is,” King Carnoth spat. “Tara has been promised to King Kenneth, and it is King Kenneth she will wed.”
“Not anymore,” Reeve said vehemently.
“Get over here, daughter,” King Carnoth ordered, his hand snapping at his side.
Reeve tried to grab hold of her arm, but she avoided his effort to stop her and went to her father’s side.
“How dare you think that you can do as you please. The king’s men wait to take you to him and be wed. You leave in the morning.”
Tara tried to accept her fate, she truly did, though what troubled her more was the thought that her father held so little regard for her that he would send her to possible death without thought or care. That hurt terribly, especially after spending time with Reeve’s loving family and seeing how they all cared and looked after each other.
“And if I don’t,” she bravely asked.
Her father’s face exploded red, spittle flying from his mouth. He was too angry for a coherent reply. His hand was as quick as ever, and he raised it, Tara only having time to brace for the blow.
It never reached her. Reeve stepped forward and grabbed her father by the wrist before his heavy hand could do any damage.
While her father struggled against Reeve’s strength, he said, “Tara belongs to me, touch her, harm her in any way, and I’ll kill you.”