Page 90 of Loved By a Warrior
A group of six who had entered with King Carnoth quickly stepped forward, hands on the hilts of their swords. Reeve’s brothers and the MacAlpin warriors who occupied the hall had their swords drawn as they stepped forward.
“Enough,” Carmag declared. “There’ll be no bloodshed here.”
“Then tell your son that it is not his decision as to who my daughter weds,” King Carnoth said loudly.
“Perhaps an agreement can be reached,” Carmag suggested.
King Carnoth yanked his wrist free and stepped away from his daughter, while his eyes remained intent on Reeve. “My daughter weds the king. There is nothing else to discuss.” He snapped his fingers at his men. “Take her and see that she stays put.”
Reeve stepped in front of the men who came for her. And when they hesitated, Tara glanced at Reeve. His look was feral, like an animal ready to attack his prey and enjoy every minute of tearing them limb from limb.
“What do you wait for?” King Carnoth yelled.
Tara thought she had imagined the growl, but then she heard it again. It came from Reeve, a snarl of sorts that developed soon enough into a low, predatory growl, the rumble coming deep from his chest.
Her father’s men quickly retreated several steps.
“Carmag,” her father shouted. “I expect you to honor my rule when it comes to my daughter. The choice is mine, not hers or yours.”
“I certainly have no intentions of usurping your rule,” Carmag assured him. “Though I do suggest that we all sit and partake of the bountiful feast my wife has seen prepared for you and your men.”
“First, I will have a private word with my daughter,” King Carnoth said.
“As you wish,” Carmag said, and waved Reeve away.
Reeve went reluctantly though not before whispering to Tara as he passed her, “I will not fail you.”
Tara wanted to cry. That he should still believe that he could save her against all odds proved to her just how much he loved her. It also proved that she could not marry him, for he would surely die. And she would rather see him live and lose him than love him and see him dead.
Her father stepped so close that his hot breath felt like it singed her skin when he spoke. “I can see you wed this fool here and now, if you wish. And when he dies at your feet or before the night ends, then I will take you to the king and see that you honor the agreement I have made with him. I give you that choice.”
Fear tickled down Tara’s spine. She could not wed Reeve. She could not take the chance. She would never be able to live with the thought that she had been the cause of his senseless death. She also didn’t wish to wed the king. But how she would escape that, she had no idea.
“I’ll have your answer,” her father snarled.
She had no choice and her father knew it and that was why he had enlisted her aid in seeing this matter settled before it escalated into a battle.
“I’ll wed the king.”
“Tell all here that you have agreed,” he ordered sharply.
Tara stepped away from him, and her glance fell on Reeve. He would live and that was all that mattered to her and she was glad, so very glad that she had had the courage to confess her love to him. Her strong voice carried throughout the hall. “I will wed the king.”
Reeve shook his head slowly, a snarl spreading across his face.
Chapter 24
Reeve kept the appearance of a man in control, but inside he felt like a caged animal waiting to be released. He knew Tara was once again sacrificing herself for the sake of others. She had done it so often that it had become a natural thing for her to do.
He had until morning, though he had the feeling that Carnoth would probably sneak her out in the middle of the night, and therefore he needed to hurry and devise a feasible plan. He knew his family was thinking the same.
It was a difficult situation for sure. The MacAlpin clan had no business denying King Carnoth his daughter. The king had the right to do with her as he pleased, his clan, his laws. But as a Highlander and a defender of the true king of Scotland, Reeve had been raised with a strong moral code. He was there to protect the people, fight against injustices, and see that the man who could bring all of that to Scotland be seated on the throne.
Until that could happen, he presently needed to protect one particular person—the woman he loved.
How had it ever happened to him? He certainly hadn’t been looking to fall in love, but somehow love had found him. It had laid claim to him whether he was ready, willing or not. And while he had never given love much thought, being too busy in seeing that the true king took the throne, love had crept up on him and settled firmly in his heart.